
Monday, October 31, 2011

halloween {blast from the past}

Halloween is always a busy holiday for us but it is one of my favorites!  I love that trick or treat is on two different nights- one in our neighborhood and the other at my mom's.  I love dressing up the kids, and getting to see friends and family that we haven't seen in a while.  It is one of those times you can just walk up to their doorstop unannounced and say "trick or treat!"  So fun.

I had fun putting together these little collages of the past years of Halloween since it is Andrew's FIFTH Halloween this year!  Wow.

I think he changed the most from year 3 (Elmo) to last year (Woody).  He just looks so grown up in the last picture.
And Mr. Incredible this year!  And it has been an incredible year.
We've been fortunate enough to live near Craig's brother so we always get pictures on Halloween with the kids.  I love the first picture of just Andrew and Evelyn.  They changed so much by the next year!  It is amazing how fast they grow up.  (Andrew was Woody and Buzz last year on 2 different nights of trick or treat just in case you were confused)!
Here are the cousins this year!

And sweet Lilly... her mommy and I have been friends since before the kids were born and we have loved watching these two grow up together and be friends.  Andrew just loves Lilly, and she is the sweetest little girl.  
The picture of Andrew crying (year 2) just cracks me up every time I look at it.  I love the way Lilly is looking at him like "what the heck is his problem!"  Ha!  And year 3 he is being bribed with treats (the reason he is reaching out with his hand!)  As you can see in all the comparisons, it really wasn't until last year that Andrew has actually stood in one place and said "cheese" when I told him to!

Both of them have had a special year this year because they both got a sibling!
Can you tell how proud they both are?  Oh my gosh I just love this picture.  Doesn't Kerigan just look like a giant compared to baby Jack?  I love his little football sleep sack.  Now we have a whole new chapter to add to the fun!
Last night we had dinner and trick or treated in our neighborhood.  It was so fun to just relax and have dinner and let the kids answer the door for a few trick or treaters and then head out for a little while.  The kids had a great time running up to the doors and getting candy!
The best part?  Sorting out the candy and eating it!

Tonight was trick or treat at my mom's so we loaded the kids up and headed north for more fun (and more candy!)
We visited my grandma first so she could see the kids in their costumes.  Andrew just loves playing at Tootie's house.
After Tootie's we went to Ga Ga's where they had "special" treats!  Hmmmm...
Papa got Kerigan the only treat she can eat!  Ha!  Doesn't she look thrilled?

This was how she was smiling at Papa pretty much the whole night.

My mom made lasagna and we had dinner together before heading out on the trail to see some friends and family!
We stopped at my brother Tim's house.  Andrew loves Uncle Tim and Aunt Cindy.  They are new grandparents too so they love having the kids stop by.
Kerigan found a toy to play with!
I told Andrew he wouldn't get a treat if he didn't say cheese.  This is how he reacted to that!  Ha!
This is Tim and Cindy's sweet granddaughter Lucy.  I can't believe my nephew is old enough to have a baby!  I still remember when he was a baby.  It was pretty neat to put our baby girls together for their first meeting.
Andrew, Kerigan and their 2nd cousin Lucy with Ga Ga
Of course I had to do a photo shoot of my sweet little kitty's first Halloween.  She sort of had two outfits, so she wore a different one both nights.
Her treat bucket is almost bigger than she is!  Ha!  I ordered Andrew one on his first Halloween, so Kerigan had to get one too.  Of course, a kitty cat!
Sweet little face
And sweet little feet...

Hope you all had a very Happy Halloween!

Sunday, October 30, 2011

halloween party & night eyes

On Friday I was lucky enough to be able to go to Andrew's Halloween party at his day care.  I never get to do fun things like this since I am usually at work!  I could seriously get used to this!  Ha!  Andrew has been so excited to wear his Mr. Incredible costume!
This is one of his very favorite movies.  We had another costume in the cart the day we picked this out, and when we saw this one, we both gasped!  It was pretty funny.  So the other costume was put back for "another day" (Andrew's words).
And Mr. Incredible he is!  We think he's pretty incredible.  So it just seemed fitting.
At his school party they played lots of fun games, like trying to pop a balloon with a treat inside!  Andrew and his best friend Charlie had a more difficult time with this... perhaps it's because they are both so skinny and weigh next to nothing!
Finally a teacher had to help him!  I was just trying to keep the camera from shaking since I was laughing so hard!  He had some pretty funny positions!
They did bowling, which Andrew loves... and felt icky "brains and eyeballs!"

They played candy corn bingo...
And decorated a Halloween scene.
Andrew was the winner of the bean bag toss!  He scored the most points throwing the bean bag in the pumpkin's mouth!

Kerigan had fun playing with Missey.  We LOVE Missey.  She is Andrew's preschool teacher and she's also one of the owners of the center.  This is the only place I would ever dream of leaving my daughter all day.  While I absolutely dread having to do it, at least I know that she will be loved and well taken care of!  And her brother will be sure to take care of her too I'm sure!  Ha!
Daddy created a new headband for Kerigan with Andrew's project from school!  Ha!
What do ya think? I think I like my bows better!  Ha!

On Friday night we went to Night Eyes at the zoo with our friends.
It was so fun, and such a neat event they do every year.
They have storybook characters and neat scenes of different things, the kids really enjoy it.
Andrew and Landon had a great time together!
And Kerigan looked super cute, but stayed bundled the whole time!  Oh well!  It was kind of chilly so she couldn't show off her pretty outfit!
Andrew was fascinated with Thing 1 and Thing 2 from one of his favorite movies the Cat in the Hat!
And he loved Humpty because he is going to be in the "kitty movie" coming out soon (Puss n Boots).  I got a kick out of the sign next to Humpty!

They have a huge indoor area where they have a ton of bouncy houses and jumping castles...
Landon and Andrew had a blast!
The funniest part of the night... do you notice he has one sock on and one sock off?
I asked him where his sock was and he just said he lost it.  Go figure.  But then he was mad about it so I told him to tell me where he lost it and he pointed to this obstacle course that had slides and all kinds of things to crawl in and out of.  I figured he'd never find it in a million years.  I started putting his shoes on him and told him we'd get different socks at home.  He insisted on finding it.  He was not happy with one sock off.  So I let him go back in.

And he came out like this...
Sock in hand.  Happy as a lark.  I could not believe he found it.  It was pretty funny.  He was pretty proud of himself too!  Ha!
What a great time at Night Eyes!  Andrew is already talking about going back to the zoo again!  It's been a jam packed weekend so far and Beggar's Night is tonight in our neighborhood and tomorrow night at my mom's, so we've got another couple of busy days ahead!  What a fun time of year!