
Friday, October 31, 2014

beggar's night brrrrr

Yes, I realize it's December and I'm just getting to Halloween pictures.  I digress.  These will be back dated but I have to do them in order!
We had Craig's brother and his family over to carve pumpkins this year.  Normally we do it at their house but we needed Jason's help hanging our TV so they came here for a sleepover and the kids just thought it was the best thing ever!
I got the kids HUGE pumpkins from a little pumpkin farm in town this year.  I don't know why I got such big ones because they were harder to scoop out and carve!  Ha!
Andrew did most of his, but needed a little help!  Probably because it was so big!
Evi helped Kerigan because she decided to paint her pumpkin this year so she didn't get to scoop.
Ewwww!  Pumpkin guts!
Why does she look about twelve here?
The boys!  Cousins and best buddies!
This is how Craig got out of carving pumpkins this year!  Ha!
Little miss had to pick the most difficult design!
The kids enjoyed poking the holes.  One of these days we'll get them carving too!  Then we can just relax and drink wine!  Ha!
Love this kid!
Finished products!
The Sofia pumpkin!  Kerigan was so proud!
Good thing Andrew picked a simple bat (we couldn't find a Skylander!) because Sofia took me pretty much all night!  Ha!
I finally got to sit down and cuddle with Belle!  Have you ever seen a cat lay like this?  Now that's scary!  Ha!

The next weekend we went trick or treating.  The weather decided to take a turn and drop about 20 degrees.  It was freezing!  In the past we've gone to trick or treat in 3 different towns with our cousins, and at my mom's.  This year I decided that was way too overwhelming and we would just stay in town and invite our friends over for soup!  It was a perfect night!  I'm so glad we kept it simple and stayed in our neighborhood.
Cobra Cadabra and sassy Elsa (just one of the approximately 6,293 Elsa's this year).  She was doing the Elsa pose, "conceal don't feel!"  Ha!
So Andrew insisted he wanted to be a Skylander.  But of course, every year they have to come out with a whole new game with new characters (because it's not like we don't have enough of those things taking over our entire house).  He didn't want to be an OLD character (or course the ones on sale were last years designs).  And of course they weren't making the new trap team characters yet.  So I looked through them and decided we could probably handle the cobra.  
So this is what he is supposed to look like. We improvised.  Andrew was happy.  Mission accomplished.
This girl.
Our sweet friends shared their Elsa pumpkin with us so I could take her picture with it!  Because I definitely couldn't handle one more pinterest project.
Some of our gang that trick or treated with us, Emily and Grace.  I could just die over Grace's costume- the bird from Rio.  Mandy is so amazing and can create just about anything (she made Kerigan's dress too!)
Andrew's BFF Gavin came over too!  Andrew was thrilled to see him.
So the scary guy is also a neighbor who is an administrator at Craig's school too.  They just moved into the neighborhood and have 2 sweet little girls.  Chad is also a teacher at the HS and I just love how our group of friends are all connected, and our kids are all friends.  Anyway, this guy came out of the garage and scared our crew half to death!  Ha!  I love it when people get into Halloween!  
Our other sweet neighbor, Olivia, is our favorite babysitter!  Her mom is a teacher at my school and a good friend of mine too!  We are so blessed to have them just across the street!
This is Landry and Payton, sweet girls whose mommies are some good friends of mine!  Landry's aunt Heidi lives 2 doors down and is also our good friend.  I'm telling you, we have an amazing neighborhood!
Andrew had been waiting to do this all night!
And Belle had herself a little party in Grace's costume when we were all back for soup!  I had taco soup in the crock pot and when we got back we were all freezing and it tasted soooo good!  We turned on the fireplace and watched It's the Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown and the kids played.  Perfect fall night with friends.
And the next day, this happened.

Nothing like ending one holiday and starting another!  More to come soon (no we didn't skip Thanksgiving!)

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

night eyes

We hit up our local zoo this year for Night Eyes.  We hadn't been for a few years and it is always enjoyable!
Aladdin and Jasmine were there, much to Kerigan's delight!
We brought Andrew's best friend from his class, Gavin, with us.  Since Angie and Chad were coming with Payton, we thought Andrew would like to have a boy to play with!  Ha!  He is the sweetest little boy and he adores Andrew!
Kerigan and Payton
I think Kerigan has decided she wants to be Dorothy next year!
She loved meeting the Wizard of Oz characters
Over the rainbow!
Best buddies on the train!
And these best buddies... they are just the sweetest girls!
I loved how they were giggling and laughing the whole time!
By the way, in case anyone is wondering what Andrew's costume is... he's a Skylander.  I had to improvise because he wanted to be a character from the NEW Trap Team, not any of the ones they had on sale, of course.  Ha!

The kids were super excited to ride a camel!  I was shocked Kerigan did it, but look how happy she is!

I love the eyes in the trees!
He was so funny, he just peeked out from behind the tree like the characters from Where the Wild Things Are!
The boys liked this pac man pumpkin!
"Scared" of the spider!  Ha!

Iron Man!
The Drake Bulldog!
Before we left the kids wanted to ride the carousel.  What is it about these that are so exciting?
We actually let about 5 people go in front of us and waited for them to ride because someone was already on this dragon.  Apparently none of the other ones were cool enough to ride on!  Ha!
Andrew and Gavin
Elsa and Cobra Cadabra

On the way home we stopped and ate at Jethros BBQ.  Love that place!  It was a great fall evening out with great friends!