
Wednesday, December 30, 2015

basketball & tumbling

The kids participated in a lot of activities this fall and going into the holidays.  So I'm backing up a little bit with this update.  It's hard to keep up with practices and evening activities, especially around the holidays, but Andrew really enjoyed doing Upward Basketball this year.
They had a special little ceremony for the players and coaches at the Roundhouse during halftime of the high school boys game to celebrate the last weekend of games.
They just did a little parade around the gym and never stopped so I couldn't get a good picture.  The one time I caught him, he did this!  Seriously?  This kid.
My girl enjoyed the game chatting with her friends and eating popcorn!  Ha!  I look at this picture and can't imagine how in a few short years these sweet girls will be walking these halls!
The new Roundhouse is just gorgeous and I felt safe for the first time just letting the kids go off with their friends.  I mean, this is what all kids seem to do... I did it when I was a kid too!
It sure brought me back to my childhood days!  My parents would always send me off to games in high school and then laugh when I got home and wouldn't even know what the score was or who won because I was too busy hanging out with my friends to even watch the game!  Ha!
Then at Andrew's last basketball game he got to run out of the inflatable tunnel, which he thought was really fun!
What I love about this program is that it's christian based.  They pray before and after every practice and game.  I love that.
Andrew really isn't a basketball star...
but he learned a lot and made some nice new friends on his team.
If nothing else, he's learning teamwork and sportsmanship.  Important lessons.  And having fun at the same time!
Daddy actually had to fill out the photo envelope since it was at a game where Kerigan had a birthday party so I wasn't there.  Craig cracked me up and ordered the most expensive package with tons of pictures (that we don't need! Ha!) and these buttons.  Andrew was so proud of us wearing his picture on our shirts!  I wore mine around all season and he loved it.  Then Kerigan got mad and asked where her pin was!  So I told daddy he'll be ordering them for dance picture time too!
They had one last ceremony at the Roundhouse on Sunday to wrap up the season and the players all played games with their team and coaches.
They asked siblings to come out and help so Kerigan and Annika went down to join the craziness!  Ha!
Andrew with his team
We are so proud of our boy!  Ga Ga was there too but we didn't get a picture!
Then this sweet girl also participated in her very first tumbling meet!  Can you tell she was proud?
I'm telling you, this girl can tumble!
It is her absolute favorite thing in the world.  If she could do tumbling every night of the week, she would.
Doing her moves for the judges
I was wondering if she would be scared and she wasn't at all.  She knew it was something special and different and she had all the confidence she needed!
She was so happy and proud.  I love this girl's determination so much!
She earned her first medal!
This was her friend Lily's first meet too, and they were so cute together!  I see many more times like these in our future!

Monday, December 28, 2015

a merry little christmas

Christmas morning... my sweeties have made it a tradition to sleep together in Kerigan's bed on Christmas Eve.  Ga Ga and Papa take the guest room bed in the basement.  I am clinging to these years with all my might.  I'm praying this wasn't the last one that we have 2 believers.
I knew this year was crucial.  Santa couldn't make mistakes.  Buddy couldn't forget to move, or break his leg and not walk for 3 weeks.  I had to be on top of my game.  I have a third grader with a lot of questions, but still a true believer.  Buddy played another trick on the kids before he left- they loved it!
This was a last minute idea that was totally fun and a perfect way to make Christmas morning different from all the others!
*Side note- Andrew takes a picture with the iPad every single day of the places that Buddy hides.  He is obsessed.  I've posted a lot of them over the years.  Buddy has been with our family since Andrew was 3 or 4... so to say he's running out of ideas is an understatement!  So here's just a few random pictures of some new ones this year!
They loved the elf band-aids!
My personal favorite... Buddy is ready for take-off!
So back to Christmas morning.  I woke up 4 hours after I went to bed (at 5am) to Andrew, gazing downstairs from the landing above.  You can see the tree from up there and it is a really neat sight.  I jump out of bed, eyeballs still burning, to Andrew yelling, "Kerigan! Kerigan!  Come see!  It's so AMAZING!!!  Santa left us sacks... with our names!  Come see!  It's AMAZING!!!!"  He just couldn't get over it.  I was so glad Santa had stepped up his game this year and did something a little different.  We were able to hold them off in our bed for another hour, but nobody could go back to sleep!  So finally at 6, it was still dark, but we made our way downstairs followed soon by Ga Ga and Papa.
They thought this was just pure magic.  That Santa would leave them sacks filled with presents, just like his, with their names.  They were in awe.  It was priceless.  Thank you Pottery Barn Kids Santa.
We always open stockings first.  This was a tradition for me growing up, and years ago Andrew chose to continue the tradition.
He got lots of Mixels to put together, which he loved!
They always go so, so fast with their gifts.  Santa wraps most of the presents, but not as much in their stockings.  I love the presents being wrapped- it just seems to add a few more minutes of time anyway.  I feel like it's all over so fast... it's nice to make it last as long as possible with two very excited kids.
She got really into Nutcrackers this year and wanted this princess one.  I can't wait to start taking her to the Nutcracker, and possibly her performing in it someday like I did when I was young.
Some of the fondest memories of my childhood at Christmas time were related to the Nutcracker.
She could not have been more thrilled with her tumbling mat.  Santa sure knows the way to this girl's heart!
He also brought the kids beanbags this year.  They needed a soft, cozy spot for movie watching and playing on their iPads.  Ha!  They have been enjoying them.
Just relaxin'!
It was a bit of a Star Wars Christmas, even though a certain 8 year old won't watch the movies! (He thinks they're too scary!)
But he still loves the toys and had asked Santa for this BB8 robot.  He's pretty cool- you can program him to work with the app on the iPad.  Andrew is in love.  He's really into robots and science stuff this year!
Kerigan got an art easel and lots of art items- she is obsessed with crafts so she was super excited.
More Little Charmers!
Funny story- my mom saved all my old Care Bears from when I was a kid.  She loves them.  So Santa thought it would be neat to bring her a new one that wasn't old and faded- ha!
Pajamas and Frozen toys!  One happy girl!
Andrew likes to organize and line up all his presents.  He does this every year!  Ha!
 Santa had a trick up his sleeve this year!  When the kids both got to the bottom of their Santa sacks... they hadn't gotten their most anticipated gifts.  Instead, Santa left them a note with a CLUE!  
They were beyond thrilled.  So we went on a little scavenger hunt... at about 6:15am!  Ha!
Santa took us up and down, up and down on all different levels of the house.  Some of the clues were easy to figure out, others were more tricky and they had to figure out the rhyming word.  Kerigan was actually really good at it and figured most of them out before Andrew!  Ha!  Daddy was a little tired after being up and down the steps approximately 26 times at this point- ha!
The last clue led them to Andrew's room... then back to the basement to Belle's (the cat) room!
They ripped open their final presents and were over the moon excited.  The scavenger hunt was a nice added touch this year (See?  Santa had to come up with some new ideas!)
When we asked her for months leading up to Christmas what she wanted, all she would say was a Rockstar Barbie.  Seriously- that's it!  This girl would have been happy with just this.  She's so sweet and has such a caring heart.
Andrew's most wanted gift- Skylanders Superchargers.  I think it's been a new Skylander game every Christmas for at least the past 3 years!  Why do they have to come up with a new one every year?
Daddy catching a snooze after the hunt ended!  Ha!
We finished with gifts and enjoyed playing while Ga Ga and I finished up our brunch.  We always make a special brunch and it is so yummy!
Santa brought Kerigan princess play doh stuff and she of course had to get it out right away and play! #ihateplaydoh
My kids definitely know I would certainly never buy them play doh!  Ha!
Andrew spent a lot of the day putting his mixels together.  He did this for the first time all by himself.  He has never been much into Legos, but he loves mixels!
Santa brought the kids snow shoes so they had to try them out in the newly fallen snow!
Making tracks!
Cartwheels in the snow?  Why not!
Little snow bunny
I love these two so much!  And we all love a good snow day!
Do you see daddy's pile of snow balls lined up on the deck?  Ha!
They were having a snowball fight!
This cracked me up of Ga Ga hiding from Craig!  Ha!
Selfie with the best mama ever!
Then they went sledding on the hill beside our house and found that it goes pretty fast!
Kerigan loved her new fast sled!  She crashed into Andrew more than once!

Family pic in the snow on Christmas Day!  I love nothing more than that view from our deck #frozenpond
Of course we had to come inside and have hot chocolate!  With lots and lots of marshmallows!
Nothing better than hot chocolate after playing in the snow!
And then Kerigan took a little nap by the fire in her new beanbag.  Perfection.
While I snuggled up with the iPad watching my all time favorite Christmas movie marathon.  I'm telling you, it doesn't get much better.
After Ga Ga and Papa went home, we had leftover soup for dinner and opened presents from each other.  The kids got magna tiles!  They love these!  Keeps them busy for hours!
See what I mean?
Daddy got a desk calendar from the kids!

It was a perfect Christmas.  One I'll always remember.  The kids are just at the best ages and make this day so special and magical.  I just want to slow down time!