
Saturday, July 28, 2018

cousin fun

We got a visit from Craig's brother's family from Michigan!
We took them to this really cool new park in our town
They just added these big boulders and the kids just love it

After that Uncle Jeff declared ice cream for dinner!  It's summer...why not?
Kerigan loved having a sleepover with her cousin Abby.  Abby is a little over a year older than Kerigan.
The next evening we took them to dinner at our favorite restaurant in town, the Iowa River Power.  It is right along the river and has a beautiful view.
A little family selfie, Craig cannot be serious, ha!
Some delicious soup
The girls took this selfie while waiting for dinner
And some more family pictures outside after dinner

I just love these two!
My world
And sleepover number 2!  Abby's mom and dad stayed in a hotel but she bunked with us!
The next day we went swimming at their hotel
And of course, picked up Scratch cupcakes on the way home!
Abby came back with us again and Andrew had a friend spend the night so the kids all had a fun game night!
The next day Uncle Jeff took the girls to the children's museum while Andrew had a cardiology check up.

He got great news!  Stable for another year!

Then we said goodbye to our Michigan family and headed to Ga Ga's to see our cousin Nash!
He was in town from South Carolina while his mama (my neice) was at a wedding so we helped watch him for a couple days.
We took him to our favorite pizza place in town!
He's such a sweet and funny little guy!
And Target, of course.
Then it was ice cream for the win!
The next day we played at the park at Ga Ga's
Two little Ellett boys
Ga Ga took us out for lunch and then we headed to our old town, which is on the way home, to make a pit stop for a friend's birthday party.
We stayed with our good friends the Pietig's and had a fun picnic with friends.
The next day the girls had a birthday party to attend!
The brothers!
Happy birthday to sweet Payton!

Tuesday, July 24, 2018

emoji 7th brithday pool party

The week we got back from Minnesota I had fun planning Kerigan's birthday party with her friends.  She wanted a pool party so that's what we did!
And she wanted everything emojis.  These were so easy to make I decided to make them myself.  The kids loved it!  Ha!
I picked up Kerigan's friend Lucy because her mom couldn't bring her so these two helped decorate!
Another picture because these are funny! Ha!
My sweet 7 year old

We gave out emoji towels for party favors.
Kerigan's sweet tumbling friend, Rylee
All the tumbling girls!
These two sweet girls Lily and Annika came from our old town and Kerigan was so excited to see them.  They've all been friends since they were 2.
Ready for cupcakes!
She loves the candles in number shapes so she really wanted this 7, even though it was huge for her cupcake.
Then she opened her gifts.

They all laughed and giggled about this card that sang a silly song
I just love this picture of her- pure joy
Her sweet bestie Avery gave her a BFF necklace
Such a special day with her sweet friends!
After the party, our friends from out of town got to stay to spend the night, so we continued the party fun with them and some of the neighborhood friends too!
She had wanted a pinata so we did it at home since we couldn't at the pool
The girls gave Kerigan their presents
All cleaned up and playing!
And snuggled up for a movie!
Sleepover time!
These sillies the next morning
I wish the knew how to have fun- ha!
We had another cake, because... why not?
We continued the fun with ice skating!
Lily and Annika brought their brothers and we made it some family fun!
The girls got bestie necklaces
I love this.  They went to Claires and tried on these glasses to pretend they were old ladies.  Ha!
We always make a stop at Hurts Donut when these guys are in town!
Look who met us at the mall the next day!  The Pietig family!
We had way too many people in the van, but we were going a short distance and we sure had fun!  And everyone had a seat belt on!  Ha!
Another sleepover plus 2!
The boys hanging out!
Cheers for pancakes the next morning!
I just love these sweet friends.  We miss them so much!  Kerigan is so grateful they still are able to come celebrate with her!