
Tuesday, August 21, 2018

the iowa state fair

Someone remind me that after a jam packed day at the zoo, waking up the next morning for another jam packed day at the fair might not be the best idea.  Ha!  But again, we were squeezing every last minute out of summer.  So we grabbed our friends and headed to the Iowa State Fair!
The first thing we did was head to Little Hands on the Farm.
This is a hands on exhibit especially for kids

My kids always love it
You get to act as if you were helping on the farm
I'm pretty sure the sign said he was too big for this.  Ha!

You get to milk a cow

And at the end you trade all your produce in for tokens to buy something at the store
Most kids pick popsicles
Andrew picked chocolate milk- Ha!  It was a super hot day, mind you.
After that we headed over to see some of the animals
He was really hoping this porcupine was staying in that corner

Then we went into the barn where baby animals were being born!  We took this picture for Ga Ga, ha! (Those of you who know my mom knows she hates chickens).
We got to see the baby chicks hatching!

These piglets were just born!

These guys were so excited to ride by themselves!
My friend Amanda and I rode together!
And we reluctantly decided the girls were old enough to go by themselves too! (Insert crying emoji here).  They just grow up too fast.
I always love this view of the fair
We went to this exhibit that had all antique things.  And Kerigan couldn't believe that this was a phone.  Much less that we had one in our house when I was her age!  Ha!
Then we headed over to play on the wooden train!

She's at the age where she gives a peace sign in almost every picture I take of her.

We can't miss the famous Iowa butter cow!
All the food at the fair is "on a stick."  They even had eggs on a stick, which I couldn't believe Andrew ate!
This was the first day I learned he likes hard boiled eggs!
And this girl loved her some bee hive honey lemonade!  Yum!
Giant pumpkin winner!

They were making emoji faces because of the emojis sticking out of the flowers.  Ha!

Next we headed over to watch this cool tumbling show

The kids were fascinated
She was so excited to get her picture taken with them after the show
Then of course they wanted to try out these giant bungee trampolines

The largest boar
The biggest bull, yikes!
We always enjoy the food.  This guy loved the edible cookie dough!
My pulled pork with mac and cheese was AMAZING
Love these kiddos
Looking at cool things at the Varied Industries Building
The big thing here is all the tatoos

My favorite part is the bucket of cookies!
I think it's her favorite too.  Ha!
Took a picture of the UNI panthers for dad
I was against this picture.  Ha!  But Andrew's got it right!
I think every booth gives out a tatoo.  It's a thing.  Ha!
We stopped by the tractors on the way out
It's not the fair without a John Deere tractor, right?

Nothing compares to the Iowa State Fair!