
About This Blog

I am the proud mommy to my precious 4 year old little monkey, Andrew, beautiful newborn daughter Kerigan, and wife to my handsome hubby Craig. Our little family is the most important thing in my life. The best days are days spent together, just the four of us. 

 More about me...I love sleeping in on rainy mornings. I love snuggling in bed with my kids. I love it when I wake up hours before the alarm rings and I know I get to go back to sleep. I love lazy Saturdays and making chocolate chip pancakes for my family. I love juicy reality TV shows like the Bachelor and Survivor. I love soapy shows on the CW like One Tree Hill and the new 90210. I love saying prayers before bed with Andrew and the way he folds his hands and says "Dear Jesus" and smiles. I have the biggest sweet tooth on the planet and I love baking seasonal treats like pumpkin bread in the fall and Christmas cookies when it snows. I love sappy romantic movies and cuddling up with a good book. My favorite Christmas movie of all times is A Christmas Story, and I can recite the entire movie from beginning to end. I love to travel and see amazing sights. The best 2 days of my life were the days my kids were born. They have blessed our family beyond measure.

I first began writing down our family's journey after Andrew's second open heart surgery on our family's care page.  Then I turned to blogging because I wanted to share the fun stuff, not just the medical stuff!  And there is a lot of fun and adventure in our family!  My husband and I make it a point to celebrate Andrew's life and do many fun things together as a family.  This blog is our family's journal.