
Sunday, September 13, 2009


Yes, we aren't giving up even though we know they lost...and seriously, the game was painful to watch. But even so, we still have Cyclone gear on around here!

This was Andrew on his way to school Friday. The kids and teachers all wore their Iowa/ISU gear. His teacher sent me this picture in an email on Friday when I was at school and it made my whole day...

Doesn't he just look so grown up compared to the other kiddos?? They have chubby bellies and baby faces, and Andrew just looks like such a big boy! I just laughed and laughed when I got this picture. The boy in the middle cracks me up, like, "What on Earth are you doing this for???" and Andrew is just looking like, "yeah, I know what a camera mommy does this to me all the time!" LOL!

When I went to pick him up I took some more pictures of him and got one of him and a favorite teacher... hmmm, I wonder WHY she's his favorite teacher???

We did tell her she had the wrong shirt on, though! Oh well, she's a pretty girl, and in Andrew's book that's all that matters!

I want to take a moment to thank all of you for making your way over to the blog world with me. I am still learning, and discovering MANY cool things about blogging that I LOVE and that carepages just frankly doesn't offer. I have been toying with this idea for a while now, and the latest troubles with carepages has just been the last straw. I thought I'd venture into the blog world and try it out. I'll admit... it's different. And for me, change is hard. I loved carepages (and I'm not saying I'm never going to use it again, because I probably will). But there are so many other things I want to use it for (decorating, recipes, etc), and blogging just seemed like the answer.

Another reason I am hesitant to blog, is that we LOVE getting comments on the carepage, and I am not sure you will all be as encouraged to leave messages here. I have found it isn't as easy to do so, but I promise I'll pass along information as I learn new things, so you can be familiar with the changes as well. I am sure there is an easier way I just haven't discovered yet. And how about for today's post, I challenge everyone who reads this to attempt to leave us a message...let us know you've stopped by, and let ME know if you figure out an easy way to post a message! :) Is it a deal?

I will continue to post an update on the carepage whenever I update this blog, that way you will know I have updated until I figure out a way to have the blog notify you. I will also post medical stuff on the carepage, and probably here too. Let's face it, reading the carepage just isn't going to be as much fun without the fun pictures and videos to go along with it! So that is why I've decided to move on. For now.

Thanks for checking in on us, and welcome to our blog!


  1. Jen, All I did was click on the comments button and it popped up a box to type in. We have used a blog for my son Will while he was infantry training. Way tooooooo cute!!

  2. Hey Jen!! The blog looks REALLY cute! I have been tinkering with mine but I am still heartbroken that care pages is giving us fits. I too hate change and hope that people will make the switch with us.

    LOVE Andrew in his ISU garb even if we are HAWK fans!

    Always in our many thoughts and prayers,
    Stefenie, Ryan, Wyatt and Logan Jacks

  3. Jen,
    I love your new blog. All I did was copy your link from carepages and it took me right to this. I love you pictures of Andrew even if he was wearing the wrong I really enjoyed reading all about yourself. I see you like the CWS One tree Hill, Me Too.I always thought it was a show for the young kids so I was a closet lover and now i know it okay to come out of the closet as a fan. The new ones start tommorow. I can't wait.
    Keep up the great blog and can't wait to read the next one.

    Natalie,Dan and Reagen Kopsieker
    HLHS and pacemaker survior

  4. LOVE IT!! You did a great job! I think I'm in love with the blog world... :)


  5. Waayy cute blog page! Seriously Jen, you are so way stinkin crafty! I am jealous! I look forward to reading your blogs and updates about the your fam!

    Laura Kautman

  6. Jen,
    Welcome to the blog world! :) Love your page! I am going to have to get a little more creative with mine! :) Not sure if I gave you ours or not, but here goes
    I am following your blog as Renee (my middle name) :) It updates me when you post! :) Thanks for sharing!
    Wendy Meyer

  7. I LOVE the picture of Andrew in the ISU football jersey!! Luke usually wears his with a hawkeye hat?? Your blog looks great ~ can't wait to read more!

    ~ Lisa and the Holdgrafer Herd

  8. Hey...hey...hey! Another challenge for GaGa!!! Anyway, "Monkey Business" is way cute...we'll just have to get used to the "new way"!! Andrew is adorable going off to school in his ISU jersey! What a funny kid! I AM PROUD!
    Love GAGA

  9. I love the wallpaper. It is way to cute. It is very easy to leave a comment on here also. I will be continuing to follow you.

  10. Hey Jen! You are going to love having a blog. I loved our caringbridge site and I was pretty sentimental about it...but I love how much more creative I can be with a blog and that I don't feel like I always have to blog about all things Ava :)

    I will e-mail you soon about getting our two monkeys together. Time just gets away from me.

    Jessica J

  11. I DID IT JEN!!! So yes I got on the blog. I was trying to get a pic on here, but it wouldn't upload. I will try again another time. Love the pics of Andrew at school! Especially in the Cyclone jersey. Keep up the good work!!!

  12. Oh by the way...this is Brooke. I put Ruby's mom on my King blogger and that's what came up. lol
