
Friday, November 20, 2009


I am missing my little man tonight.  I have to take a class this weekend to renew my teaching license, and daddy had a basketball game, so Ga Ga picked Andrew up from school and took him to her house to sleepover.  He had a ball with Ga Ga and Papa tonight.  I miss him so much I can hardly stand it!  It felt so odd coming home to an empty house tonight.  Thank goodness I know he's in the best hands and having so much fun and getting spoiled to pieces!

Reading the paper like daddy.

Bless Ga Ga's heart for sending me these pictures tonight, along with a little narrative of everything they've done!

He reminds me so much of my dad here, too.  Dad used to love to sit and read the paper.  Andrew is studying it so closely!
Ga Ga made his favorite supper, spaghetti.  She said he tried to eat it with this big spoon!  Ha!  He loves to get in the utensil drawer at her house.  It is the first place he goes...maybe because I don't let him have access to ours at home!  Ha!

This just cracks me up.  Look at his little foot sticking out! LOL!  Ga Ga bought him this new special Cars book with the DVD.  Spoiled boy!  His favorite part of the movie is the tractor tipping!  He wants to watch that part over and over...
Andrew loves to read and study brochures...this one is from a Thomas train set.  He'll sit and study each and every picture so carefully.  It is so sweet, like he's really reading it!
He and Papa cuddled on the couch and watched "Touchdown!" (aka "Football").  Papa bought him some Curious George fruit snacks, too.  Did I mention he was SPOILED??

He loves taking baths at Ga Ga's house.  He always loves to splash Ga Ga (probably because she lets him!) and then he'll smile and chuckle at her...stinker!
They had a busy night, and now he's crashed and all tucked in.  I talked to him on the phone tonight and he said "I love you, Mama."  The most precious words on the planet.  I love this little guy so much.  Oh how I miss him and wish I could kiss his little cheeks right now!  Thanks Mom and Jim for taking such good care of him and spoiling him silly!

The long awaited lung scan results are in... The doctors weren't super happy about the flow to his left lung being 69%- they want it as close to equal as it can get.  So, looks like we're headed for the cath lab.  The good news?  We can wait until after the holidays.  They said January or the first week in February if we wanted to wait until after his birthday...but the more I thought about it, the more I thought I'd like to get it over with before his birthday so we can enjoy his special day and not have to worry about going to Iowa the plan is January 15.  We'll head to Iowa City the 14th for pre-op appointments and he'll be first case Friday morning.  It actually worked out great because that Monday is MLK Day, so I'll hopefully be able to spend an extra day at home with him before he goes back to school.

We appreciate your prayers for a successful cath.  Dr. D will attempt to balloon those stubborn stents one last time to hopefully buy him more time before his next open heart surgery.  Let's pray he can work his magic once again!  We believe he's a miracle worker... and we know God has a hand in it, too.

"May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in Him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit." (Romans 15:3) 


  1. I'm sure you're missing that little man tonight, but it sure looks like he had a GREAT time!

    We'll be praying for Andrew (and all of you) as his cath draws near. Great news that he can wait, but I know you're nervous. He's in GREAT hands though...God's hands.

    Praying for peace and success for that cutie!

    Big heart hugs and PRAYERS!

  2. Jen I loved the pics of Andrew at his sleepover. Logan too likes to study the brochures that come with all of the toys. Our boys are so darn funny!

    Sending extra prayers that everything will go well for Andrew's cath. Dr. Divekar is amazing and we know that he will take excellent care of Andrew!

    Stef, Ryan, Wyatt and Logan
