
Wednesday, November 4, 2009


Andrew has always loved visiting daddy's school.  He's been going to football games since he was a baby.  A couple weeks ago marked the end of football season around our house (well, high school football that is!) and the weather was so gorgeous that I was able to take Andrew to one of the last games.  Andrew loves to make the "touchdown" sign and yell "touchdown!" I'm afraid daddy is making him into a little sports nut right before my eyes.  There's not much I can do about it.  It's in his blood.

One of Andrew's favorite things to do is ride the gator with daddy.  He gets special treatment being the Athletic Director's son and all!  Lucky boy!

Watching the big boys play football!

We have just been taking full advantage of the beautiful weather lately.  We even grilled steaks tonight! A couple weeks ago we took probably one of our last trips to the park for the season.  Andrew learned to ride his bike all the way to the park this summer, and he loves to lift his feet up and go flying down the hill once we get there.  Oh, and I should clarify, he doesn't actually ride the bike.  He "Fred Flinstones" it.  Anyone know what I mean?

Andrew learned to do so many things at the park by the end of the summer that he couldn't do at the beginning of summer.  Like crawl up the bars and the rock climbing wall.  Sit on the big swing all by himself.  He still loves to swing with mommy though!  He'll squeal and giggle the whole time!

In other news, Andrew is also starting to love his train table (a year after we gave it to him he finally figured out how to magnet the trains together and pull them around the table!  Anyway, he'll occupy himself for a long time in his playroom (which is conveniently where the computer is!) so the other day I was working at the computer and when I turned around I saw this:

Can you find Andrew in there?  LOL!  It reminds me of "Where's Waldo?"  He quickly figured out how to destroy his playroom in less than five minutes!  He dumped everything off the train table and put it in his Thomas ball pit.  And somehow made space for himself!  Yeah, I'll be taking the ball pit to the basement this weekend since it now has a rather large hole in it.  I can't imagine why!

And another exciting thing happening around here this weekend... Andrew is getting a new bed!  An even bigger boy bed!  Ok, ok...I'll show you a little preview...

Our little monkey is turning into such a big boy.  His toddler bed is going to Ga Ga's house.  We felt he really needed a bigger bed with an actual sheet set, blanket, etc, for the winter.  We'll see if tucking in the sheets and blankets help him stay covered.  He still doesn't stay covered up all night and it worries me with how cold it's going to get this winter.  Hopefully this will help!  I'll post pictures of his room once it's all done!

Happy November!  Let's hope for more chances to get out and enjoy the weather before our first blizzard of the season!  How have you all been enjoying the gorgeous weather?


  1. Can't wait to see Andrew's new room ~ love the new bedding!! We recently got rid of Luke's racecar bed and sadly he graduated to a big boy bed, too. I just finished painting his room over the weekend. Good luck with your re-decorating as it always seems to take us forever!!

    Our little boys are growing up =D

  2. What cute bedding! I am going back and forth about Andrew a big boy bed. He still loves his crib and fits in it well. The weather has been great and this weekend looks liek it is going to be even better! We have a trip to Grey's Lake planned with Andrew and the dog - I love watching them play outside. Glad all is well! Happy November to you too!

  3. I love the new bedding and can't wait to see Andrew's finished room!

    It took me a minute to even notice that he was in the ball pit. I was trying to figure out what kind of table that was, LOL!

    Cute as ever!!

  4. Jen,
    I love his touchdown picture!!! There is nothing wrong with being a sports guru! I am one so I think it is awesome. Andrew certainly has grown and learned lots of new things since I started following you guys too! All my Heart pals are just getting big. Glad you were able to enjoy the weather not happening here been sick since Monday with no relief! Oh and in MI we grill all winter long! LOL Heart Hugs, Love, and Blessings, Jessica

  5. Sorry Jen I did not realize someone else was signed in on my puter so the previous comment is mine! Oh and no worries that you are busy we will catch up during Christmas Break! Heart Hugs, Love, and Blessings, Jessica

  6. Wow! I didn't know you all shared the life of high school football too! My husband teaches and coaches as well! Lots of memories on the field for the little ones!!! Love the pic of Andrew calling the touchdown!!! :) ...and the big boy bed!!! I can't believe how quickly he's growing up!!!
    Hugs, Sundie

  7. Looks like you guys have been having lots of fun. I can't wait to see Andrew's room once it's done. Ok....that totally just rhymed!! LOL!!!

    Stef, Ryan, Wyatt and Logan
