
Sunday, December 27, 2009

All I Want for Christmas...

All I want for Christmas is snuggling in Ga Ga's bed with some cereal and my Sesame Street friends!

This was pretty much where Andrew wanted to sleep the whole time we were at Ga Ga's!  One day we let him nap in her bed and it was all over from there.  She even has a special little bed just for him at her house, complete with Thomas bedding!  Go figure.

As I said yesterday (scroll down if you missed the Santa post!) we left town a day ahead of schedule, to try to beat the snowstorm that was headed our way.  It was fun staying at my mom's an extra night.  She always makes it feel special to be home.  She made a delicious dinner- my favorite- beef stew!  So yummy!  We got in some extra shopping and visiting also, it was so fun.

We went to the Christmas Eve service at the church I grew up in (because Jesus is the real reason we were celebrating!)  Then we spent Christmas Eve as planned, with the Ellett side of the family.  This is my brother Tim with Andrew.  I just love spending time with Tim because he reminds me so much of our dad.  Andrew really took to Uncle Tim and wanted to spend a good portion of the evening on his lap!

Andrew even got "Kuncle Tim" to play trains with him!
My sister in law, Cindy, made us a delicious meal- ham with home made mac and cheese!  I hadn't had that in so long- it was so yummy!  Andrew had a great time playing with Tim and Cindy!  We think they are going to make awesome grandparents someday!  Ha!
This is their son (my nephew), Lindy.  It is always special to get to see him, and Andrew loved playing with his big cousin, too!
My niece, Mary, is in New York working so she couldn't make it home for Christmas.  We missed her so much!  She sent us all cards and drew Elmo on Andrew's card.  He carried it around the entire night.
Mary and Lindy are like the sister and brother I never had.  We grew up together, right down the street from each other.  I am so blessed to have them- it is almost better than a sister or brother- no fighting!  Ha!  Mary is also Andrew's godmother.  We wish she got to come home more often!

Here is Andrew opening up Mary's present- bear claw gloves!  He loved them!  He put them on right away and went "ROAR!"

Andrew got a really cool game from Tim and Cindy- called Animal Scramble.  It is so fun!  I highly recommend it!  It is perfect for kids his age.
You line up these little animals, and the giraffe talks and tells you which animal to "tag."  You can choose different games, so you can do it by color, animal name, etc.  Then it times you so you have to do it fast!  Andrew just loved it, and really caught on!

We went back to my mom's that night to open our presents from each other.  This picture cracks me up of Craig- he was in the Christmas spirit, with all his presents and Santa hat!  Ha!
This was my mom's tree before we all dug in!  (Most of the gifts were for Andrew!) Ha!
I love this lady!  My mom is absolutely without a doubt, the best mother on Earth.  She is exactly the kind of mother I want to be for Andrew.  She never puts herself first and is always thinking of others and what she can do for them.  She drops everything for us, anytime we need her.  Thanks for making Christmas so special, mom!
Christmas Eve 2009 

Christmas morning post is coming soon!  (I'm doing our Christmas posts separately so I can fit them all into one post!  Scroll down to see the first one)...


  1. Jen-

    What an awesome game! I'm going to have to find it here :-)

    Can't wait for the Christmas Morning post. I love seeing the kids' faces when seeing what they got.

    Tracey, Jeremy, Riley, Drew and Jordan Snyder

  2. Glad you had a great time at your mom's house and with your side of the family! Andrew looks like he enjoyed himself!

    Stef, Ryan, Wyatt and Logan
