
Thursday, December 3, 2009

Oh Christmas Tree...

Kelly's Korner is hosting a Christmas tree tour today, so I had to participate!  Christmas is my favorite holiday, and I love decorating the tree more than anything.  I say "the tree," but really I mean "trees" as in more than one!
This little tree sits on top of our TV armoire.  I love to snuggle and watch Christmas movies with the lights off and look at it!

Our most recent tree is Andrew's sock monkey tree. 
We got this idea when we attended the Festival of Trees and Lights on Andrew's first Christmas.  They were selling tiny sock monkeys and we couldn't resist.  Andrew has always been our little monkey, so it is so fitting for him to have a monkey tree!

I have always loved those little s'more snowman ornaments.  I started a small collection of them when they first came out, and it has evolved into a full blown s'more tree!
Complete with s'mores garland (chocolate bar, marshmallow and graham crackers on a string!).  It is in our upstairs loft area, which is half Andrew's playroom and half office (where our computer is).  I can't believe all the different s'more ornaments they make.
This was Andrew's first Christmas
These are my two new ones for this year- a sock monkey (of course!) and pirate.  The pirate goes with Andrew's new big boy room.

Since I got my own apartment I have collected snowman ornaments.  I used to have them on my big tree, but in the last few years decided to create just a snowman tree.  It is in our family room, because our big tree doesn't fit!
I love just using a piece of white netting as a tree skirt and just wrapping it around the bottom so it looks like snow.

Our big tree is my very favorite.  Craig and I went shopping for it the first Christmas we were together in our town home.  I still can't believe it fit in our town home!  It is huge!  I knew that someday we'd have a house and hopefully kids, so I wanted a big tree.
I also really wanted one that looked realistic, that you could hang lights and ornaments on the inside branches, too.  It is just perfect and beautiful and I love it in this room.  This is our dining room, and the entry way to our house.  We have a vaulted ceiling so the tree fits perfectly. 

Here is the view looking down from our upstairs loft.
Last year my mom ordered us this beautiful tree skirt with our last name embroidered from Pottery Barn Kids--the best part?  She waited till after Christmas and got a great sale, so it was an extra fun surprise after Christmas!
I was so excited to get it out and use it this year for the first time!  It matches our stockings, too.

And just because I went in to Andrew's room to take pictures of his tree, I couldn't resist... :)
My little snuggle bug, sleeping by the glow of his sock monkey tree...

Happy tree touring!


  1. Your tree is beautiful! Merry Christmas!

  2. Love you trees! You're creating so many warm and cozy memories and traditions for Andrew! I love it!

  3. What pretty trees !! I love the sock monkey idea!! Very cute :0)
    I have the same smores ornament
    Summer :0)

  4. Your house looks beautiful! Beautiful!! I'm hoping to have mine finished soon....

    Big heart hugs and prayers,

  5. You have so many trees and mine is not even up yet!!!! Wow you are ambitious!! I do love the Smore ornaments. Seen one a few weeks ago an angel holding a baby I need to find it again!!! Your big tree is a beautiful!!!!!!!!!! Also Andrew is a very cute sleeping monkey too!!! Heart Hugs, Love, and Blessings, Jessica

  6. I'm LOVING the sock monkey cute!!!

    I'm visiting from Kelly's Korner...check out our tree here---

    Merry Christmas!

  7. Umm...I love the smores snowmen. So cute. I am jealous you can have a tree in Andrew's room. I wouldn't trust Cash and Riley for a minute with one in their room!
