
Friday, January 15, 2010

He is OUT!

We got word about 10:30 that he was done already!  We had to rush so I didn't have time to update.  I will update about the cath and the future plan soon.  Right now I am going to go hold my little man!  Just wanted to let everyone know he is out and he did well during the procedure.  Thanks for all the prayers!


  1. Yipee!!!!! That is AMAZING!!!! I can't believe it went so quick!! Thinking of you!!!!

  2. Yeah! I'm so happy that he's done already! Our prayers will continue. Praise the Lord!

  3. Jenn-
    I'm glad to hear that things went well!! Thinking of you and your family and I'll see you when you get back:)

  4. I'm just now catching up on your updates. Derrick had his pre-op stuff today and I didn't have access to a computer. I've been thinking about you all today and wondering how things went with Andrew, and it looks like everything went well! I can't wait to hear the details!

    Big heart hugs and prayers,

  5. We are thinking about you guys and praying! Glad to hear things went fast and no surprises!
