
Thursday, March 18, 2010


Now that's Chicago-style!

We were so glad to be able to stay with Jeff & Lori Anne for a couple of days because they showed us the ropes!  We never would have been able to maneuver around Chicago without them.  They knew all the best places to eat and things to do!
Andrew loved the pizza!
We set out early Saturday morning for our long drive.  Got McDonalds breakfast on the way.  We always love doing that.  Andrew entertained himself very well in the car.
This picture makes me laugh with his big ol' feet sticking up!  Of course he had to take his shoes and socks off!
And one of my favorite "car toys"- a travel aqua doodle.  If you don't have one and travel a lot, I recommend it!  It occupied him the longest of anything else.  He used it until the water ran out of the pen!
We were so happy to get there and meet our new niece, Abby.  I posted more pictures if you scroll down a post.  Andrew was just precious with her.  If she was crying, he was very concerned and would try to help out.  When she cried he gave her this little giraffe, which he was playing with but it was actually hers!  ha!
He wanted to be next to her all the time.  She is the sixth Huegel cousin.  There are now 3 girls and 3 boys.  Family get togethers are always fun!
Andrew got a slinky from Uncle Jeff & Lori Anne, which he loved!
He and "Uncle Jepp" (as he calls him) looking for the kitty!  Andrew loves to play with cats.  Too bad his daddy hates them!  Ha!  
After our Chicago-style pizza, we came home and Andrew snuggled up in his Cars sleeping bag/air mattress!  Now that's luxury!  Why didn't we have these as a kid??
In the morning we went to this great breakfast buffet at Stanley's.  Again, another awesome place we never would have known about!
This was the inside.  Behind Andrew & Abby is the little auning where they served the buffet.  In the other room they were making omlettes too!  It was the best breakfast I've had in a long time.
Andrew was tending to his little cousin while we waited.
After breakfast we went to the Lincoln Park Zoo.
I love this picture of him with the giraffe in the background.  He just climbed up on this rock and said "Cheese!" like he knew I'd want a picture!
Of course, he loved the monkeys!
Daddy & Andrew monkeying around!

Polar Bears!

Andrew had a blast!  He was definitely more into the zoo this year than last year when we went to the Denver Zoo over spring break.  He enjoyed the animals more and took his time looking at them.
       Looking at his zoo book on the way back to Uncle "Jepp's!"  He was exhausted!
I had to be a tourist and take a picture of this famous statue you see in tons of movies!
And had to get the skyline.  Can you tell I'm in the car?  Ha!
Andrew holding baby Abby's hand.
I saved the best for last!  This is the face he made when we first put her in his lap!  He looks so shocked!  Ha!  I think he was surprised but equally pleased.  We took this right before we left.  We had one more day in Chicago after this, which I'll blog about soon.  Too much to squeeze into one post!  We had such a great time with Jeff, Lori Anne and Abby.


  1. Ummm...that pizza looks awesome! We went to the zoo the other day too, but the zoo in Chicago looks way better than the zoo here in KC. Glad you guys had fun!

  2. Looks like ya'll had a blast!! Now you have made me hungry..HaHa..
    I have to have the travel aqua doodle..Zeb loves his, I got it at a thrift store for .25 cents and picked up the pens at Target for $ I have to have the travel one for the summer !! Cool Thanks Girl!


  3. What a blast!!! The pizza looks awesome. We had some just like that at a place called, Geno's when we were in Chicago. YUM! Livi has been BEGGING to go to the zoo. Too bad they're not open yet here in cold ole Iowa! GREAT pics!

    The Spencers search:oliviakathrynfaye

  4. OMG that pizza looks good!

    What a fun trip. Being able to spend time in a big city with the locals is the best. You don't get stuck in all of the tourist stuff and you get to see the real joy of the city! I'd LOVE to go to Chicago! And I'll HAVE to have the pizza!!
