
Tuesday, April 27, 2010

(Almost) Wordless Wednesday!

Well, I have no words for this picture...but we all know I can't really do a blog post with no words!  Seriously.  This is one of the funniest kids I know!  One day he just wanted to wear his Elmo slippers that are too small, and put on his Gabba glasses.  He was very serious.
 Mom, this is serious business...

I am getting behind on my blogging again!  It has been a busy week and Andrew has been sick over the weekend.  He's had a temp and sore throat so we've kept him out of school all week so far.  He's back on breathing treatments again, but we are hoping we can wean him off in another month or so.

I am also in camera transition mode.  The new camera has arrived, yet I am not finding the time to delve in and learn how to use it!  It's complicated!  I absolutely love it though, and I have been playing around with it.  The other night I took about 100 pictures of absolutely nothing (well, of Andrew playing around!) just because I was having fun! Ha!  Now I just have to figure out how to do the fancy stuff, and upload to my computer, but I'll get there!  I've been getting by on my mom's camera, thank goodness!  Because I would have been lost without a camera for this long!  Ha!

The other night we went to Papa and Ga Ga's house to grill out.  It was just beautiful grilling weather and Andrew had a blast playing with Papa's old tricycle!  Except he still refuses to pedal!  Ha!  He still walks it like Fred Flinstone.  I welcome any suggestions on how to teach kids to pedal!
 I am sure once he learns to pedal, he'll be going nonstop!
 This is what Andrew did when it was time to eat dinner...
 That is quite the face, Andrew!  Grrrrrrr!
He perked right up when Ga Ga tickled him!  This boy just adores his Ga Ga!

 Tonight when I got home after being gone at school all day and all night because my students had a music concert, Andrew wanted nothing to do with me!  He only wanted Ga Ga!  He was laying the guilt trip on me, and he knew it, too!  He'd cuddle up to her, look right at me and grin!  Stinker!
This little chair was mine when I was a little girl.  Andrew loved sitting in it and eating cookies!  Ga Ga let him have cookies even though he didn't eat all his dinner!  My mom just says "that's what grandma's are for!"  It's hopeless!
I am working on a post soon about the upcoming Heartwalk.  I feel so behind!  I am late getting the links up and running for online donations and I have been procrastinating for a couple of reasons which I'll share in my next post.  A few things have changed (or at least been brought to my attention) and I have been researching some other ways to donate.  For now, I'll share the date of the walk because many have asked... it is June 19!  We hope our usual team of walkers will be there with us, as well as some new ones!  It is always a special time for Andrew and our family.  More to come...


  1. Those pics of Andrew all "dressed" up crack me up! Maybe he is Clark Kent and when duty calls he will slip into his superman suit. LOL!!!

    Hope Andrew is doing better!

  2. That pic is so funny..Gave me a much needed laugh today! ...
    Love his shirt with the heart.. Did you make it? Sorry to hear he was sick, Hope he is feeling much better..

    Rhonda :)

  3. Another great post. What a funny guy! Keep in touch this summer and maybe we can meet at an Ames park and play. I'm in the process of starting our HeartWalk team, too. Looking forward to another way to raise awareness and celebrate these champs! See you there!

  4. Andrew is so funny...and SO cute!!

    I hope he's feeling better!

  5. Glad to see Andrew is enjoying the nice weather. He is just too funny.
    Take care,
    Tami, Bryan, and Kennedy


