
Thursday, April 8, 2010

Easter wrap-up

Easter morning started right off with a visit from the Easter Bunny!  We went outside to see what he left for Andrew and he had a blast finding all his little treasures.
When he saw all the eggs and the basket, he just took off running!  
He got lots of Buzz and Woody loot!  A beach towel for summer, a Buzz hat that lights up, and Buzz and Woody color wonder books (and more!)  
In a past post I talked about how my grandparents went to McDonalds every single day and got happy meals for years and saved all the toys.  They had WAY better toys back then than they do now!  I rummaged through the 10+ boxes of them and found a ton of Toy Story stuff.  So the Easter Bunny had fun hiding all of them around with the eggs. 
He loved them all!  I think he has all the main characters and he plays with them all the time!
This is Bullseye, Woody's horse
He got a big Slinky dog, since he loves slinkys!  
Posing in his new Buzz and Woody chair!
Daddy thinks the Easter Bunny went a little overboard!  Ha!
We headed to my grandma's next.  Andrew was so excited- he loves going to Gran Tootie's house (I called my grandma Tootie my whole life!  It started out as a nickname and the name stuck!)
My aunt and uncle and cousins were there and they brought real Easter bunnies!
My grandma loves animals and my aunt and uncle knew she'd love to see the bunnies.
Andrew loved wrestling with Kolton!  Kolton ended up with 2 sisters and always said he wanted a little brother, so Andrew fills in!  Ha!
We had a delicious meal.  My grandpa always cut the ham, but since he's passed away, it became Craig's job!
After lunch we headed back outside to find more Easter bunny gifts!  The kids were so excited.  I love how they all go running and Andrew is right on their heels!
That Easter bunny is full of surprises!
These are some of my favorite pictures.  The weather was so gorgeous, I just had to take some outside photos of Andrew!  Thank goodness I had the kids here to help make him smile!  He just loves his cousins so much, and they can always make him giggle!  This is him with Kelsie.
This is one of my very favorite pictures of him.  This smile is so him.  He is always just happy and cheerful like this (even though Kelsie was making faces at him behind me!) Ha!
She really made him giggle here!  I love it!  That is my tip for anyone wanting to get their kid to smile for photos!  Just find another child to entertain them in the background!  Works like a charm!
All the kids were in this photo, so Andrew didn't have anyone to laugh at!  He was enjoying his sucker from the Easter bunny.  This is my grandma with all her grandkids and Andrew, her only great grandson.
This was so funny.  Andrew had such a busy day he didn't have time for a nap.  He had fallen asleep on the way to Ga Ga's (yes, for more Easter fun!) but crashed on the floor before he had a chance to hunt for his baskets!  Ga Ga and Papa came to my grandma's but kept their baskets hidden at their house so we dropped by on our way home.
He woke up enough to open Papa's basket with toys from his new favorite movie (besides Toy Story), Monsters, Inc.  He was a little too grumpy from lack of sleep so Ga Ga waited and gave him her basket a couple days later when she came to our house.
(In case you are wondering, we were getting a little "Eastered-out" by this time!)  But Andrew wasn't!  Although I think he is expecting the Easter Bunny to come every day from now on!  Ha!
Do I see a giant Buzz Lightyear in there!?
Andrew's new phrase... "To infinity...and BEYOND!"
 Giving Buzz a hug!
Ga Ga The Easter Bunny made him one happy boy!
 Ga Ga and Papa brought dinner and Andrew was so happy that he ran around with the sack on his head!
Where's Andrew??
This is too precious for words.  He was eating a snack before bed that night after Ga Ga gave him a bath and as he was sitting at the table he held her hand like this for a long time!

We hope you and your families had a wonderful Easter!

He has risen!


  1. Looks like you guys had a wonderful Easter. I love Andrew's sweater vest.

  2. Wow!! U hit the jackpot Andrew...Cool! Zeb loves his Buzz too.I bet you two would be great pals..Love your pis...You are an adorable sweet boy!!


    Jen, I love the idea of having Easter Bunny come outside and leave gifts and eggs..that is super neat..

  3. Jen~

    WOW! Wish the Easter Bunny left goodies at my house like that when I was growing up. Looks like Andrew had a lot of fun searching for the hidden treasures!

    What a great family picutre too. You all look so happy~they way it should be :-D

    Tracey, Jeremy, Riley, Drew and Jordan Snyder


  4. Wow!!! Do you think the Easter Bunny has any toys left to give next year? LOL!!! It looks like Andrew had a great holiday.

    So, glad you guys were able to enjoy it!

  5. hi mrs huegel its kinsey and tatum were having a playdate any ways we love ur pics of andrew there so so so cute we wish that we could see him every day and wen r u going to bring him to class??????
    your favorite students

    tatum and kinsey
    ps we want andrew as a bro that would be so much fun!!!!!!!!!
