
Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Lake Fever!

It's that time of year again!  Time to bring out the boat and enjoy a surgery-free summer at the lake!  We are so excited!
We had a little boat-washing party last weekend!  We even know how to make cleaning up the boat fun!
Andrew was a big help!
This is what he's seen his mama do plenty of times!  Ha!
Pretending to "fall" off the edge!  Silly boy!
When he got in the boat, he ran up to the front, sat down and said "put it in the water!"  He knows the drill!  As you can see, he was a big help.
He kept getting the sponges wet, then throwing them all over the driveway!  I think the driveway was cleaner than the boat at this point!  Ha!
Andrew found a worm
As you can see, he was not scared of it at all.
I was slightly grossed out at this point...
 He wrapped it around his finger and smushed it in his hands so much that his worm broke in two.
He was not very happy about that!  I love that I have a little boy who doesn't care how slimy his hands get, although my carpet is practically trashed and I vacuum at least every other day!  Boys will be boys, I guess!
After we washed up the boat, the next day we went to the lake to put the dock in.
Andrew was a big help here, too.
He loved throwing rocks in the lake and watching daddy and papa put in the dock.
I absolutely love this picture.  Usually there are several more rows of docks so you can never have this clear of a view of ours.  Also, I love how the lake is like glass, and there are no other docks or boats in the water.  It is just so peaceful.  It reminds me of all of those special times I had at the lake growing up.  I am so glad that Andrew gets to experience it now, too.
We also played at the park for a little while.
The next time we head to the lake we will be putting in the boat and I cannot wait.  Andrew has grown to love boating, too.  Each summer he loves it more than the last.  I am thinking this year he is going to go crazy over it!  

I can't help but think of the fact that last summer we got the news that Andrew wouldn't need surgery for another year.  And that now the year has gone by and we just got let off the hook again.

It is one of those things you learn as the parent of a heart child.  You learn to live day by day and not think about next summer, or next Christmas or "next" anything because the truth is, you can easily let it consume your thoughts.  You can worry until your body aches and it doesn't do any good.

You have learned this because there have been one too many appointments where you have heard bad news.  Where your world has come crashing down and you realize that this journey as a heart parent will never be over.  You have to tread carefully, and not make too many plans.

Just in case.

But you always cling to that hope.  The hope that maybe...just maybe, the next time you will hear the good news you've waited so long for.
And we intend to enjoy every minute in between!


  1. Such a gorgeous post. Your little man certainly looks like he is ready to go boating. Enjoy your summer!! Kathy

  2. Yea for "normal", huh? :) Your little man is so cute. I'm sure he just can't WAIT to get that boat movin'.. Thanks for stopping by my blog~ Nice to meet you! :) :)

  3. Well said....

    LOVE the pics! What special memories!

    The Spencers

  4. hi,it's me,LB. did you watch desperate housewives yet? i have. it's really good! I hope you like it.

    I still can't believe Andrew said the D word! I don't know,I think you taught the word to him. ha ha ha ha ha,:]just joking.

    well, I haven't read any of your blog yet.I just got your blog to work on my computer and I wanted to write to you incase your blog would not work again. so I might write you another comment about your blog. see you on monday,your student,LB.

  5. Hi,it's me again,LB
    Andrew looks like he's having so much fun cleaning the boat!Im sad for the worm that Andrew squished. :{ well,my mom say's i have to get off now. your student,LB

  6. LOVED the picture of Andrew helping to clean the boat! Just thinking of summer puts me in a better mood. I am very happy about the news of "no surgery" this summer. RELAX AND ENJOY!-Brooke

  7. Jen,
    I loved this update! How true that we cherish the good news and try to enjoy every little thing we can with our special kids.

    Hope you are boating very soon!

  8. There's nothing better than being on the lake! Love it! I'm excited to see what all Andrew gets up to this summer on the lake. I'm sure it's going to be SO much fun!

    Happy surgery-free summer!!
