
Monday, June 21, 2010


7 years ago today...
Here we are by the same sea wall in Clear Lake... one child, a few pounds more and a whole lot of happy memories later!  Ha!

Craig and I celebrated our seventh wedding anniversary last weekend (a week early!) in Clear Lake.  There was a reason for the early celebration!
That's right!  Phil Vassar playing at the Surf Ballroom, where our reception was held!  Nothing like going back to the place where it all began...
The marquis this day had our names on it!  Pretty cool!

For those that don't know- The Surf Ballroom is the place where Buddy Holly, Richie Valens and the Big Bopper played their last concert before their plane crashed in 1959 ~ "The day the music died."  It is a historic landmark and the perfect place to have a wedding reception!  It was a blast!  And it even has pineapple wallpaper- nothing better to top off a tropical themed wedding!

Before the concert we headed out to eat at a new place called "Sevens!"  Ha!  We thought that was fitting.  It was so delicious.  I had a filet and a glass of wine and I was good to go!  Then we walked around downtown and checked out the old cars (well, Craig did and I took pictures!)  Clear Lake is such a unique little town- there is always something special going on like boat shows, sailboat races and old car shows.  
Then we walked by to check out my family's "brick!"  A few years ago when they redid the sidewalks they sold bricks you could have personalized.  Our families is downtown, right by the seawall.  It is placed next to some of my parents friends- our two families made some awesome memories together growing up at the lake!  I told Craig some year for our anniversary I want a brick personalized for us outside the Surf with our wedding date!  Too bad bricks outside the Surf are about triple the price!  
This is a view of City Beach downtown.  I love the new splash fountain they put in- Andrew is going to have some fun with that this year!  If you turn around and walk the other direction, that is where the sea wall is.  The night we got engaged Craig walked me on this route from City Beach to the sea wall, where he had a picnic all set up on a bench overlooking the lake.
Here we are sitting at "our bench."  I feel like I have ownership over this bench somehow!  Every time we go here and someone else is sitting there I get slightly impatient!  Ha!
Here is us by our bench the night before our rehearsal dinner.  You can see they painted it!  
And us on our wedding day (obviously!) with the sea wall behind us.

Now that we've had a trip down memory lane... onto the concert!
You didn't think I'd actually go there without my camera, did you??
I couldn't miss an opportunity to photograph my favorite country artist with my new camera!
Phil did not disappoint.  The concert was awesome!  He is such an amazing performer!  Oh, and I don't have an ultra zoom lens...I really was this close to him!  My aunt and uncle actually were at the same concert, and we all stood up front together and my aunt actually touched his hand!  I was too busy taking pictures, but she touched me with it so that sort of counts, right?  Ha!
He sang all my favorite songs and many others, too.  It was just awesome to be back at the Surf to celebrate our anniversary.
We stayed with my aunt and uncle- they have a camper that they let us stay in (I know, it's okay Craig didn't spring for a hotel this time!  We'll have plenty of hotel stays this summer so we wanted to save some money to bring Andrew back so he can swim in the hotel pool!  He loves doing that!)  My aunt had set up this sweet little dessert and wine for us in the camper.  How romantic!  Ha!
I had a great weekend with you, honey!  I love you!  Happy Anniversary!


  1. Awww!! What a great way to celebrate! Happy Anniversary!!

  2. Happy Anniversary guys!!! Looks like you had a great time celebrating!!

  3. What a great way to celebrate your anniversary!

  4. Happy Anniversary! I love reading about happy celebrations. Keep the good post coming, we sure love reading them.
    Tami, Bryan, and Kennedy

  5. Hi Jen!!
    I enjoyed reading your blog today...just about brought happy tears to my eyes:)I love the black and white shot of Andrew climbing the stairs at the end. I'm glad that you were able to raise a good amount of money for your cause and that you had a nice anniversary trip;)I hope to see you this summer!!
