
Thursday, July 1, 2010

When you wish upon a star...

When you wish upon a star
Makes no difference who you are
Anything your heart desires
Will come to you

If your heart is in your dream
No request is too extreme
When you wish upon a star
As dreamers do

Fate is kind
She brings to those who love
The sweet fulfillment of
Their secret longing

Like a bolt out of the blue
Fate steps in and sees you through
When you wish upon a star
Your dreams come true

Some crazy things have been happening around here...
We're buying a stroller,
We're glued to Disney movies on TV...
Ones we haven't seen, like Peter Pan and Dumbo!
We have to know who those characters are because...
Andrew needs a vacation!  (See exhibit A:  his shirt).

This summer we needed a celebration.
For the past two years we have been waiting (and dreading) news that Andrew's surgery is near.  
It is like living on the edge of a cliff.
When do we jump?  
You can't make plans.
You can't worry too much about the future.
You have to live in the now.
And treasure every moment.
So this summer we decided to celebrate by taking a much needed family vacation.
Because let's face it, next summer we could be living at the hospital after a 3rd open heart surgery.
We have to take the chance while we have it. 
And we're going to a place where dreams really do come true!
In 10 days Craig, Andrew, Ga Ga and I head to Orlando!

Today I started the countdown with Andrew.  He is so excited to "go see Mickey Mouse!"  It is all he talks about.  When we got the stroller out of the box (we needed a good light weight umbrella stroller) we told him it was for when we went to see Mickey Mouse.  Once daddy got it all put together, he crawled in it and goes "I wanna see Mickey Mouse!" the idea of the countdown was born.
I put on my teacher-hat and came up with this system to count down the days so he'd understand when we were leaving.  Every morning when he wakes up he gets to take a Mickey off the mantle.  I explained all this to him, and he kept nodding his head.  We counted the days and he read all the numbers (even backwards!)   He is so excited to ride in an airplane for the first time, too!
Basically, I cannot wait to see his face when he's at Disneyworld.
He is at the perfect age to experience the "magic" of Disney.
All his favorite TV and movie characters coming to life right before his eyes.
I don't know a little boy who deserves it more.

Please pray for healthy and safe travels for us!
*I won't be blogging until we get back, but I have several updates ready to post so I can get caught up on all our adventures before my Disney blog-mania begins!  I'll post one every few days between now and when we get back.  I like to try to keep the posts in the right order (for journaling purposes!) so I want to get them down before it gets too late!  I know I'll have a ton to update on when we return!


  1. Oh, he's gonna loooooove it!!! Our family went just after Christmas. Just like you, our kids had their first time to fly and did great. Zach's top 3 favorites: Buzz Lightyear ride and Transit Authority (train that goes all through Tomorrow Land - hardly any wait time) in Magic Kingdom and Toy Story Mania at Hollywood Studios (we all loved this too!) Go get your fast passes as soon as you arrive at a park.
    I am so excited for you and I can't wait to see your pics when you get back!
    Heart hugs,

  2. Oh that will be so much fun. Have a great trip.

  3. Sooooo excited for you! I LOVE Disney! Can't wait to see pictures!

  4. How EXCITING!! I'm sure Andrew is so beyond excited that he can't even think straight!

    I can't wait until Derrick is old enough to take to Disney World. And, well...I haven't been myself, so I'm pretty excited too.

    Can't wait to read about all of the fun you guys have! :)

  5. Whoooo hoo!!!! How exciting for all of you! Andrew will just love the magic of Disney. I know we plan on taking a little lady there sometime in the near future too!

    Can't wait to see the pics!
    The Spencers

  6. So exciting! We've been away for a week, so I'm finally playing catch-up! Can't wait to hear how the trip went ... hope y'all have a fantastic time!!
