
Sunday, August 8, 2010

Day 5- The Beach!

We took our first trip to the ocean as a family!  Andrew has played on many beaches, but never one as vast as the beach along the ocean!  He was so excited!  He knew this was something different than he had ever experienced!
His first touch of the soft sandy beach!
The first thing we did was write "Andrew" in the sand!  Andrew drew a circle.  Ha!
He loved drawing in the sand.
Picking up his first seashell... we brought quite a few of them home to put in his room.
He was not scared at all!  He didn't even want us to hold onto him, he just ran right into the water and started going out deep!  It was hard to chase him and catch up with him!  He is fearless!
This face just says it all!
First taste of salt water!!  Ha!
This was one of my most favorite days.  Besides seeing Andrew's face light up at Disney World, this was definitely the most relaxing day!  And it wasn't hot because the breeze from the ocean was perfect.  We all had a great time!

Andrew liked feeling the tide pull him in!
He just had a smile on his face the entire day.
Here he was feeling the tide go in and out.  He loved it so much, he would just roll around in the water and laugh so hard!  He did it over and over again and just had the best time.
I think this is my favorite picture of him from the day.  He was rolling in the water and just having the time of his life.  It was so fun watching him play in the ocean!
More rolling in the tide!  And a wipeout!  Again, he wasn't phased by the fact his head went under and he swallowed the delicious salt water!  Ha!  In fact, I think he came up laughing!
We spent some time playing on the beach.  We buried Andrew's legs, which fascinated him.
Where are my legs??
He wanted me to bury my legs too, ha!  This wasn't quite as easy of a task!!
This was his favorite part- when he broke his legs out of the sand!
My little beach baby (I guess I should say beach BOY because he certainly isn't a baby anymore!  Excuse me while I wipe away tears!!  Ha!)
Had to get a picture of him in his "Iowa Rocks" shirt on the beach in Florida!  Ha!  He didn't want to leave at ALL and he knew we were getting ready to go so he wouldn't smile for a picture!  He became obsessed with drawing in the sand!
We picked up pizza on the way home and we ate out on the patio overlooking the pool.   I could get used to doing that everyday!  Ha!
We all took another dip in the pool- this is a little blurry.  Craig is still getting used to the new camera!  Ha!
This is Craig's souvenir from the day at the beach!  Haha!  Can you tell he put on sunscreen on his shoulders only as far down as he could reach??  I told him he should have asked me to put it on the rest of him, but he said before he could Andrew took off running and the chase began and he forgot all about it!  As sore as it was, it gave us all a good laugh!  Ha!
Another great day in Florida!  One more to go... more to come soon!