
Thursday, September 9, 2010

Labor Day

We had a busy but fun Labor Day!  It started with a going away BBQ for Craig's brother Jeff and his wife Lori Anne.  They are moving to Albuquerque!  We are so sad to see them move so far away.
Andrew is giving kisses to baby Abby on Grandma's lap.  Abby is now 7 months old- time goes by so fast!  We will miss Jeff, Lori Anne and Abby!  But we are looking forward to seeing them again at Christmas.
Andrew and cousin Jack playing at the sand table.
This picture cracks me up.  Andrew and cousin Brooke were hanging out in Evie's room playing with her girly toys and watching some princess mermaid movie (which I would have no idea about, you know, since Andrew is a boy!) Apparently he is in touch with his feminine side!  Ha!
And then there were six!  Three girls and three boys.  This is a very rare cousin picture moment!  I bribed them all with fruit snacks!  Ha!  And can I just point out my kid's skinny little bird legs compared to everyone else's??  We just cracked up laughing about it!  He is the second oldest in this picture but you'd never know it!

After a great time with Craig's family, we headed up to Clear Lake for the rest of the weekend.
Andrew's favorite spot to sit on the boat (besides the driver's seat!  Ha!)  He looks like he's in deep thought here.  I love it!
This is a pretty fun hiding place!  We thought he might lay under here and fall asleep, but mostly he just liked to play!
Ah, picnics on the boat.  This was probably our last one.  There's just nothing like it.
This was our last real boat ride of the season, besides when we go up to take the dock out.  It was such a bittersweet day.  Labor Day always is, because it marks the end of the summer for us.
Andrew drove the boat...
While daddy relaxed with a magazine!  Ha!
Andrew was being a stinker and honking the horn a million times and trying to pull out the keys!
As you can see, he thought it was hilarious!
(Just in case some of you are wondering, the boat was just floating and the motor was off this whole time.  We really don't let him occupy the driver's seat this much when the boat is in motion!)
Relaxing with Ga Ga and Papa... seriously, the boat was still not in motion.  Because we would never lay on the back of the boat if it was, Ahem.  It's one of our favorite things to do.  Float in the middle of the lake, eat, read and relax!  My mom and I used to spend hours soaking in the rays on the "tanning barge," as Craig lovingly calls the boat!  Ha!  We've just added a few more people to the crew, one being a very active three-year-old.  But he does pretty well!
It was a goal of my mom's and mine to get him accustomed to the boat at an early age, so he'd learn to love it as much as we do!  I think we succeeded!
I realize it looks like all we do on the boat is eat and sleep!  But honestly, that pretty much sums it up!  We do drive around once in a while (Ha!) and Andrew loves to go fast.  I just keep my camera tucked away most of the time during those adventures!
After boating we headed to check into our hotel.  And decided to go for a swim!  It was a little chilly on the lake to go swimming so we did the next best thing!
My big boy, swimming all by himself!
I love this picture of his little leg kicking!  He kicked and swam halfway across the pool between Daddy, Ga Ga, Papa and me!  
He got really excited when he discovered he could back float, too!
We all had a great time swimming
After swimming we got ready and went out to Buffalo Wild Wings for dinner.
I had to laugh at how serious he was wearing this hat.  It couldn't be more true!  Ha!  He was contemplating what to order...
And concentrating so hard on coloring...
and goofing around with Ga Ga!
Then we went to Target.
When we got back to the hotel Andrew watched a movie while Papa made popcorn.
All of us enjoying the popcorn party!
Andrew calls it "copcorn" and he now understands that popcorn and movies go together.  He thinks you can't watch movies without it!
I think we finally all crashed after a long and busy day!  We crammed a lot of stuff into one day, but it was so much fun.
On Monday when we got up, we ate a delicious continental breakfast, and went shopping again.  We hadn't planned on taking a boat ride but we still had to go back and cover it.  When we got there, it was too beautiful on the lake not to take a ride!  So we did.  Andrew napped on my lap this time.  And I left my camera in the car.  Sometimes you just have to enjoy the moment, ya know?
And while we were shopping, Andrew spotted these and there was no way we were leaving the store without them... 

Trust me, there's another blog post about this!  Coming soon...

Hope you all enjoyed your holiday weekend!