
Thursday, October 14, 2010

Scooby Doo Where Are You?

Last weekend we went to Minnesota for cousin Jack's 5th birthday.  It was right up Andrew's alley!  A Scooby Doo party at an awesome waterpark!  Two of Andrew's favorite things!
I just love these pictures of him with Scooby!  He now loves to watch Scooby and is no longer scared of the "monsters!"

The waterpark is just the coolest place!  It is at the Depot in downtown Minneapolis.  Jack's mommy and daddy got married there, so they like to bring their kids there to swim sometimes and wanted to make Jack's 5th birthday extra special by holding his party at their special place.  Everyone just had an awesome time!

They have this neat train with slides in all directions and water squirts out at you.  Every few minutes the lights flash and the train sound goes off (choo choo!) and water spurts out the top!  It is so fun!

Here is Andrew coming down the slide in the middle of the water explosion!
This is Jack's little sister, could she be any sweeter?  Andrew just loves his cousin Brooke!
They had reserved the party room so we had pizza and cake and Jack opened gifts.  It was hard to get the kids to take a break from swimming but the food was delicious so they didn't mind too much!

Andrew dug right in and used his Scooby party favor as a spoon!  Ha!

After cake the kids went back in the pool for some more swimming!  Just in time for the choo choo train to come through!

Daddy even got in on the fun!
The water got a little cold (as you can tell by Andrew's blue lips!)  So the kids took a dip in the hot tub to warm up.  But then we were told they weren't allowed to go in, so we improvised!  They all wrapped in towels and dipped their feet in!
The hot tub was actually like bath water- not too hot at all.  The kids all wanted to get in so badly!  It was hard to keep them out.
I love this face.  He was watching the train whistle go off again as the water shot out the top!
They also had another pool (that was a little warmer) and the kids could play on the logs floating and also shoot baskets.  They just couldn't touch the bottom but no one minded!
This place also has an arcade, and all the kids got tokens to play.  Andrew absolutely loves ski ball.  He could have played it all night! 
Grandma Huegel giving Andrew a squeeze!
Jack and Andrew had so much fun chasing each other around with their balloons!
This is a view from the balcony (where the party room was).
It was so funny, Jack and Andrew had matching Scooby shirts!  Just the opposite colors!  My sister-in-law and I obviously think alike!  Ha!
It was hard to get them to stop playing and having fun and smile for a picture!  But we did okay!  We just had to get them in their shirts!
Aunt Joan was there and joined in the Scooby fun!  Andrew just loves Joan!  She is so fun and always plays with all the kids!  It keeps them entertained so mommies and daddies can have a moment's peace!  Ha!
Jack and Andrew~ Cousins and best buds!

We had a great time!  Happy 5th birthday Jack!  We love you buddy!