
Sunday, December 26, 2010

Christmas Celebrations

I am once again behind in my updates, but we've been having such a wonderful holiday season so I'll try to catch up this week- my one week off!  I hope everyone had a great Christmas.  We had one of the best Christmas Days I can remember.  But let me back up...

A couple of weeks ago we went to Craig's parents to celebrate an early Christmas.  We had a great time and Andrew just got warmed up for what fun Christmas is!  He loves being with his family, which just warms my heart.
There was a huge blizzard that came through, luckily it hit once everyone got there safely.  We headed out to see the first real snow of the season.  We were farther north so they had much more snow than we did! 
We took advantage and got the kids outside to make their first snowman!  Andrew just had a blast!
He really wanted to try to pull Jayden in the sled!  He did a pretty good job, considering Jayden is a year younger but weighs more than Andrew does!  Ha!
He was fascinated with the snowman!
Daddy's gloves are a little distracting here (ha!) but Andrew loved putting the face on the snowman.
I think it turned out pretty cute!
Uncle Jay pulled all three kids on the sled!  They just had the best time enjoying the snow!
I do realize Andrew will probably kill me someday for posting these pictures of him, but I can't resist because they are too darn funny.  He is obsessed with his boots and didn't want to take them off.  So when we stripped him down to dry off, before I could get an outfit on him he put the boots back on and entertained everybody!
Evie, do ya like my boots!?  (Ha!)
The "kid" table!
The kids all dressed in their Christmas outfits pose for a picture before opening gifts.  This was about as good of a picture as I could get with 6 kids under the age of 5!  We bribed them with their presents though, so they did pretty good!
The attempt at a photo with their grandparents didn't go over as well, they were getting impatient and ready to open those gifts!
Andrew got some really great gifts.  Scooby Doo figures and the Mystery Machine from cousin Jack was a huge hit!
He is so cute when he opens something, he studies it so closely.  He always tries to get every little piece of paper off the box, then he takes the present and checks out the front, the back, etc.  Then he'll hold it out to daddy and say "Open it" or "take it out!"
 We could hardly get him to stop pushing this around to open more presents!
Toy Story memory game!

We had a great time at the Huegel Christmas.  The next day we all headed out together and followed each other as far as we could because the weather was so bad.  The roads were awful but everyone made it home safely!  Hey, we wished for snow, and we got it!
Later that week, Andrew had his Christmas program at school (his day care).  Every year they practice songs and perform for the families.  It is so cute- and all the seats fill up fast!  You have to get there super early just to get a good seat!
Andrew was so funny.  He literally stood there like this during all three songs they sang.  He was so tired because he never naps anymore, and by 6 or 7 at night he is exhausted!  I cannot get him to nap to save my life, so evening events are pretty frustrating sometimes!
He was very serious.  Doesn't he look exhausted!?  Ha!  Cute though!
It just cracked me up, his teacher told me he knew every single word and action, and you can see how well he performed!  Ha!

Funniest part of the night:  During the last song, he decided to do this one last move!  It was just hilarious.  Everyone cracked up because he just stood there and did nothing the whole time until the very end!
Posing with Lilly after the program.   Lilly did so good, she is in the class above him and she sang every word perfectly!  Maybe she'll have to teach Andrew next year!  Ha!
Andrew just loves Lilly.  She always comes in his room to see him during the day.

Craig videotaped the program but couldn't figure out how to run the camera until the last song, thank goodness he got the funny little move Andrew did on film!  The other funny thing was a couple of nights later, Andrew was playing and I was in the kitchen doing dishes and Craig was busy on his laptop when all of a sudden, Andrew stands up on his firetruck in his footie pajamas and Woody boots and decides to belt out the songs from his program!  I grabbed the video camera as fast as I could and caught him singing!  It was so cute!  The video is a little dark, but it's worth the watch-just turn the sound up (pause the music on the blog at the bottom)...

We head to Iowa City tomorrow (Monday) for our consultation with Andrew's surgeon.  Thanks for all your comments on my last post.  It means so much to know we have such an awesome support system!  We'll update again when we know more, and our Christmas Day update will be coming soon!

Merry Christmas!