
Thursday, December 2, 2010

Disney on Ice

Andrew with Peter Pan at Disney on Ice

Well, it is December now so that means its time to update about our Thanksgiving, right?  Ha!  I am getting to be about a month behind in my updates it seems like.  Time just goes so fast this time of year especially.  I am trying to hang on and enjoy the moments, but it is so hard when there's so much to be done.  Even though it is all fun things:  decorating, baking, wrapping and shopping.  I just wish we could spread it out a little longer.

We had a busy but fun Thanksgiving weekend.  We spent Thursday at my grandma's and had a delicious turkey dinner and all the trimmings.  Andrew had a blast playing with his big cousins, and we all enjoyed time together and opening our annual gift which my grandma gives us each year- a new ornament.  Andrew got a school bus ornament, which was quite fitting for him!  He loves it, but he wants to play with it, not hang it on the tree!  Ha!  That night, the Elf returned to our house (he comes every Thanksgiving night), and Andrew has been fascinated ever since.  How does he manage to move every night?  Every morning Andrew runs downstairs to look for the elf.  He loves finding him in new places.  I think it concerns him some, that the elf still watches him when he's at school though... how does he do that?  Magic, of course!

We found a new tradition that we hope to do every year- Disney on Ice.  What fun it was!  We went on Friday after Thanksgiving, and it was such a fun thing to do on our day off together.  Oh, and the announcement at the beginning that said we could take pictures and video all we wanted, pretty much made my whole night!  Ha! (I've gotten used to "hiding" my camera!)
I have to admit, I was quite impressed.  It was truly a spectacular show (anything Disney...they do it up BIG!)  All the familiar characters were there!  I was hoping it would remind Andrew of our trip to Disney this past summer, so he wouldn't think Mickey Mouse only lived an airplane ride away!
The main attraction before the show started was the popcorn.  Once he saw it, he would not forget about it.  I waited in a super long line, only to have them run out!  I was not happy.  They promised they were bringing more soon so I stood there and waited, as they announced 2 minutes to showtime!  Luckily daddy and Andrew were already seated.  Thankfully, the popcorn arrived with seconds to spare!
They had segments from the Lion King, Lilo and Stitch, The Little Mermaid, and Peter Pan.  Andrew has seen all these movies, and the Lion King and Peter Pan are especially his favorites.  I knew he would just go crazy!
The characters looked so real, and they did amazing things on the ice.  I was even ooohing and aaahing! Ha!
This part was pretty cool- a giant Ursula (the sea witch) came out on the ice!  Andrew was in awe!
In between each segment, Mickey and the gang would come out and pretend they were traveling to these places (where the other stories take place).  It was so entertaining and fun- and we had great seats!  We were super close to the ice!
Of course the best part is watching Andrew light up.  He never took his eyes off the entire show.  When it was over, he asked for it "again."  It was so sweet.
Of course Andrew had to pick out a souvenir to take home- he picked Peter Pan right away, never hesitated.
He doesn't look naughty does he?  Ha!
They saved the Peter Pan segment for last, and it was spectacular.  The pictures don't do it justice.  But all the characters were hooked to strings so they could "fly!"
Andrew loves "Hook" and "Smee!"  Do you see the crocodile in the background?  It was so cool!  Andrew went nuts!

Another awesome part... the giant crocodile came out and "ate" Captain Hook!  It was so neat!
The music was awesome and everything about it was spectacular.  I just sat back and took it all in, trying to imagine I was back at Disneyworld because it really felt like we were there!
They even set off fireworks!

We just had the best time doing this together as a family.  It is something I want to continue and make a tradition every year since they always come over Thanksgiving weekend.

After the show we headed to the mall to see Santa and have dinner.
Andrew just loved Santa!
This was the first year he could tell him what he wanted for Christmas.  Before he went up to his lap I told him this was his chance to tell Santa what he wished for for Christmas (because every single time we are in a store now he'll see something he wants and look right at me and say "Have to ask Santa!") He knows that's what I'm going to say!  Ha!  Too bad that line doesn't work throughout the whole year!
He immediately told him he wanted the "Woody and Buzz train" which has been his wish since he's watched Toy Story 3 over and over and over.  He wants the Geotrax set more than anything else.  He talks about it all the time.
The next attraction after seeing Santa is to ride the Santa train.  I had to get him two tickets because I knew he'd want to do it "again!"
I love this picture of him gripping his ticket and grinning from ear to ear!
Ready to ride!
Do you like how he's the only kid out of his seat belt and hanging over the window!  Ha!  I am surprised they didn't stop the train for him to sit down!  

After our fun day on Friday, we packed up and headed to Craig's parents house on Saturday morning to celebrate Thanksgiving with his side of the family.
Lots of Andrew's cousins were there, and he and Brooke had fun playing together.
These two were just precious together.  Brooke is a year younger than Andrew, but they look the exact same size!  They play together so nicely.  It was so fun to watch them, they are little buddies.
Then grandpa got in on the fun!  We had the get together at a big hall in town, since there are about 20 aunts and uncles, 30+ cousins and 14+ great grandchildren!  I always said I wanted to be part of a big family! Ha!
Back at grandma and grandpa's house, Jack and Andrew had matching Scooby Doo pj's and watched a Scooby movie before bed- complete with popcorn, of course!
We had a great time seeing family and spending time with both of our families over the holidays.  And, I got my tree up and the house decorated.  Next we need to do the outside, but we're getting there!
And this little guy just continues to crack us up and brighten our days.  He wanted to wear his Santa hat the other night while eating dinner because someone had one on in a show he was watching on TV.
"Santa, am I on the naughty or nice list?"  (Isn't this the best Santa you've seen!?)

Here is a video of the finale from Disney on Ice, in case anyone wants to see how cool it was!  The pictures don't do it justice, but the video is pretty neat with the music too...  enjoy!

We hope you all are enjoying the beginning of the holiday season and are finding time to stop and enjoy this time of year!