
Sunday, January 2, 2011

Happy New Year!

To celebrate New Years Eve we got together with Craig's brother Jason and his wife Rachel and their kids.  We took the kids to Imagine Eve downtown and they had a blast!  Imagine Eve is a free family friendly event and there were tons of families there.
They had about a million bouncy slides and jumping houses, all crawling with germs I'm sure!  This will be the last ones he goes on before his surgery!  I figure, he's got to have a little fun once in a while, right?  And I actually mentioned that everything looked really clean!  It was set up so neat and organized and the equipment didn't look too gross and dirty like they sometimes do!  Ha!  (It made me feel better anyway!)
I'd like to imagine what was going through his head.  He just ran through the bouncy houses and came flying down each slide at the end, yelling "again!" every time.

Craig with Jayden and Andrew
He actually did really good waiting in lines.  The event was very well organized and there were so many slides, etc, that the lines didn't seem so bad.

Waiting in line on daddy's shoulders and poking his eyes!  Ha!  Doesn't he look like such a stinker here?
This picture cracks me up, Craig getting blinded and Andrew getting impatient!  Ha!
The kids just went from one slide to the next and could have gone all night long I think!
Evie and Andrew heading into a tunnel!
They had clowns to entertain the kids in line!  It worked great!
After the fun ended, we all headed down the skywalk to see the fireworks!
Waiting for the fireworks to start...
We had perfect seats inside the skywalk so we didn't have to watch in the freezing cold!
Andrew and all the kids were just fascinated by them!  They were really neat!
After the fireworks we headed back to our house for some more celebrating.  I made delicious cake balls and we had sparkling wine.  This picture cracks me up.  Aunt Rachel was reading a story to the kids and Andrew decided to put this little bag on his head!  Ha!  He looked so funny.  He was so serious and listened to the whole story like that.  The kids all stayed up super late!  We were all having so much fun we hardly noticed it was 11:30pm!  They almost made it to midnight, but Evie and Jayden had to head home.  It was a very fun New Years Eve.
On New Years Day we did something else very special that I had been wanting to do all season.  We took Andrew to the IMAX theater at the Science Center to see the Polar Express.  It has become one of his very favorite movies.  I think I can safely estimate he's seen it about 100 times! (That is Craig, Andrew and Ga Ga at the top!)
We sat in the very back row.  (IMAX tip: the back row are the best seats because you don't have to look up- the movie is at eye level and you can see it so much better.)  Andrew was totally mesmerized by the whole thing.
He loved every second of it.  Especially the parts where you really feel like you were flying down the train track!  It was so cool.  He smiled and stared at the screen the whole time.  Eating popcorn of course.  It was so funny, a boy near us started crying because he was scared, and he was much older than Andrew!  Andrew just isn't scared of anything, and he loves all the experiences he's been given.  He is so fun to take places because he enjoys everything so much.  And he remembers it, too.  He likes to look at pictures of things we've done and he talks about his memories a lot.  It is so sweet.
Sometime soon we want to take him back to the Science Center.  He didn't get to see much of it, but he did play with a couple of things they had out front.  I know he'd love the whole thing.  It would be fun to get season passes to go during the cold winter months when there's nothing else to do!

After the movie we came back and Papa had made us all spaghetti so we ate dinner and the boys watched football.  It has been a fun New Years.  I can't believe it is 2011 already.  Craig and I were talking about how it was 10 years ago that we met.  We met on New Years Eve at a party for one of our mutual friends.  It was pretty much love at first sight and I always joke and say it was all downhill from there!  Ha!  Can't believe it's been ten years.  And what a precious little boy we have to show for it!  Ha!

I hope all of you had a Happy New Year too, and that you will receive many blessings in 2011!