
Saturday, February 12, 2011

10 days to surgery!

We are finally getting settled back in after returning home on Thursday evening.  Andrew was pretty much back to his old self by that evening.  I want to thank everyone again for all of the support and encouraging words during Andrew's cath and also my fetal echo.  It is so nice to have those things over with now so my mind can entirely focus on Andrew's surgery.  As I was home and Andrew was recovering on Friday, I finally started to dig out my pile of surgery information that had been mailed a while back, and I started a "surgery pile" with things we need to pack.  The list is getting overwhelming and I am just praying we won't forget anything and I'll think of everything we need!  I'd love some advice from other heart moms- leave me a comment if you found something that really worked with your child's surgery, etc.  I'd love to hear suggestions for making Andrew's time in the hospital as comfortable as possible for him.

On Wednesday when we headed to Iowa City for his pre cath appointment and my echo, we stopped at the mall for lunch and Andrew found this!  A Stuart Little car!  He was so thrilled I couldn't get him out of it.
He just loves those movies right now.  
Here is Andrew sitting up in bed after his cath.  His cheeks were so red and he looked so puffy- he was pretty full of fluid.  The first thing he wanted was his monkey jammies on!  Ha!  As you can see, he's doing a great job of keeping his leg straight!  Ha!  Those directions pretty much went out the window.  It is next to impossible to keep a four year old's leg straight for 6 hours.  We were just lucky he stayed in bed that long!
He was thrilled with his delicious hospital cafeteria pancake.  Ha!  When I read him the list of foods this was what he wanted.  
We snuck a little car ride in before the 6 hours was up... oops!  Our nurse saw us in the hall and told us he can't be out of bed yet!  We are naughty I guess.  But seriously, I get that it is for his safety but come on!  Without sedation, Andrew is not a fan of being bedridden!  Plus we said his leg was probably straighter in this thing than lying on the bed with his legs crossed!
Craig (our comic relief) added some things to the board in Andrew's room.  Ha!  We cracked up.  I asked him if he erased it before we left and he said no!  I'm sure the next people in the room got a kick out of it.  
That night when we got home, Papa came over to pick up Ga Ga and we all had pizza together.
Andrew was so happy to see Papa.  Can you believe this was just 12 hours after his cath??  He bounced back so fast, thank goodness!
He wanted Papa to play trains with him- this went on for the majority of the evening!  Andrew was very happy to be home.
Andrew got a new Toy Story blanket to take to the hospital with him.  He's planning his escape from his bedroom into mommy and daddy's bed!  Ha!
Also a Toy Story pillow to match... you can press a button and it tells you the story- pretty cool! (Thanks "Aunt" Alissa and Lilly!)
He's already practicing.
He was watching E.T. and kept getting handfuls of his stuffed animals and dragging them downstairs to set them up like E.T.!

I've had a little preview of what our 6 weeks of recovery time at home is going to be like!  Ha!  Andrew is one active and BUSY little man!  I'm sure we'll both be going stir crazy and begging to go back to work and school!  I know Andrew is going to miss school and his little friends so much.  He already misses them and he's been out of school just since Wednesday.

I wanted to let our family and friends know that we would absolutely LOVE to have you come and visit Andrew when he is in Iowa City.  Just being there one day gave us a glimpse of how long and boring the days can be with such a busy boy who loves his friends and is so social.  I remember posting on our care page during his last surgery that we wanted to keep visitors to a minimum.  He was a baby then, and I was very concerned about him getting sick.  This time around is totally different.  I would also love the company!  If anyone would like to come to support our family, we welcome it.  Please keep in mind that you have to be healthy, but if you are, we'd love to see you!

We realize that Iowa City is a lot farther away for most people than Des Moines would be.  That is one downfall for having the surgery there.  But we feel the benefit to Andrew outweighs the distance.  While entering the hospital on Wednesday there was a huge banner hanging outside that read: "One of the Best Children's Hospitals 2010."  Craig and I decided right then and there we wouldn't want  Andrew to be having open heart surgery anywhere but a hospital with a banner like that!  Ha!  Anyway, we often do feel like we are a million miles away from civilization when we are cooped up in the hospital day after day.  That is why your emails and messages mean so much to us.  And why we wanted to let you know that your company would certainly be welcomed as well.  Give one of us a call (Craig, my mom and I will be there all week) and we'll let you know where we're at! (Sometimes our cell phones don't get good reception in the hospital rooms, so just leave a message and we'll get back to you).  Once again, the date of his surgery is February 22 (Tues).  Probably anytime after Wednesday, or over the weekend would be a perfect time to visit.  Thank you in advance for all of your support!