
Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Busy Week

It's been another busy week!  Andrew is on week 3 of his recovery, and I'd say he's pretty much 100% back to his normal self.  It is hard to remember not to pick him up under the armpits (and hard not to do when he's being naughty! Ha!)  His scar is looking so much better now.  The glue is peeling off and it is healing really well.  Much faster than I thought it would.  Now he doesn't mind lifting his shirt up and showing people!  He'll say "See?  It's almost all better now!"
He's already ready for Ga Ga's boat this summer!  The other day he got out his beach Curious George and his little boat and was driving him all around.  Then he found his shades and wanted to wear them too!  I am so excited for this summer- knowing his surgery is behind us already.  Sometimes I forget that it was only just 3 weeks ago, he's doing so well.  And it seems like a distant memory now.

The only small setback he's had is that he got hives last week, somehow!  We have no idea where they came from but they were pretty bad for a couple days!  His hands and feet really got swollen, which caused me to worry of course.  I called cardiology a couple different times just for the reassurance that it wasn't heart related!  His feet were so swollen one night he refused to even walk.  They've been itchy too.  We've been keeping them pretty controlled with Benadryl, so for now I don't think he needs anything stronger.  But we have a prescription just in case!  They are already getting much better this week so I'm hoping they'll be gone soon.
We've still been battling with potty issues... I feel like I'm potty training all over again!  Just when he was doing so well.  His new thing is hiding from us!  He used to do this when he was going number 2, so I always get nervous when he hides!  But now he is just doing it for fun (I think!)
There have been several occasions where he gets really quiet and I can't find him anywhere!  I've actually been fairly panicked a couple of times!  Ha!  Once was when he was hiding under his train table!  I kept yelling his name and he is SO quiet!  What a stinker!  I almost can't let him out of my sight!
Hiding in his stuffed animal storage bin (as they are dumped all over the floor, as usual!)
He just thinks it is hilarious to hide from me!  
We continue to have visitors, which is so fun!  Andrew's Uncle Tim came by the other day and brought a nice box full of fun gifts!  A whoopee cushion was his favorite!  Ha!
I lost count how many times I blew it up so he could sit on it and he'd just laugh and laugh!  Silly kid!  It is funny, because Tim (My half brother) and his wife Cindy used to teach me things when I was a kid, like gargling my pop (ha!) and my mom would just shake her head.  Now they are teaching MY kid these tricks!  Ha!
They also brought a backyard safari vest and lantern, which he got really into!
He can't wait to get out and look for fireflies this summer!  The outfit was even more complete with Tim's hat!  Ha!
 We also had other visitors- Andrew's 2nd cousins, Kolton, Kelsie and Kendra.  He was beyond thrilled to see them!  They were going to come when he was in the hospital, but he was discharged so fast they never made it! 
They came to my mom's house last weekend because Andrew spend the night there so mommy and daddy could work on cleaning out the guest room to get ready for baby!  That's another blog post all in itself!  Ha!  Let's just say the room is finally cleared out and ready for paint!  I could never have done it without my mom watching him because we get absolutely nothing done when Andrew's home! (I bet you're all surprised!  Ha!)
Andrew and his cousins~  They brought Andrew some special gifts, too!  This kid is getting majorly spoiled!  I keep trying to explain that most kids only get presents on their birthday and Christmas!  I want him to be appreciative, which he usually is.  He always says thank you.  And many times once everyone leaves, he'll remind me who got him certain things and he'll tell me that he'll have to tell them thank you. I just hope he doesn't get too used to this treatment!  I can't keep it going all year!  Ha!
This little tent was given to him by one of my fourth grade students.  I thought that was so sweet that she was thinking of Andrew!
He got all his Toy Story toys out and put them all in the tent!  He loved it!
This was such a fun project, too.  His preschool teacher Miss Erin sent home a bunch of things to work on that he had missed at preschool.  They had a dinosaur themed week, which I was so sad he had to miss!  He was super excited about digging for the fossils Miss Erin brought over!
 This is him saying "That's cool!"  He begged us to use daddy's hammer (since it worked better!  Ha!)  He was really good with it.
He was totally engaged in this.  Gee I wonder why!  Getting to hammer something a bunch of times!  Ha!
Look how excited he was when he could see the whole fossil!  This was so creative and so much fun.  Thanks Miss Erin!

Last week we also went to Andrew's little friend Norah's birthday party.  It was so funny because it was a tea party theme, which was super adorable...and girly!  Ha!  There were only a couple of other boys there, but Andrew just sat right down and ate with all the girls!  It was so cute.  And a great party!  I can see how much fun I'm going to have planning girly parties one of these days!
Speaking of girls... here's my girl and me at 24 weeks!  She is growing well and doing flips in there all the time!  I feel her moving a lot.  Craig and Andrew can't wait to feel her moving from the outside.  I keep telling them to be patient!  Ha!  So for now I'm bonding with my daughter and loving every minute of it.
Just for fun I did a progression collage.  Craig has been taking pictures every month to see the difference.  I think it is pretty funny because I think that aside from the first picture, I think my belly looks the same size!  I just popped around 16 weeks and it's held pretty steady.  I do feel bigger than I was then, but the pictures don't really show it.  Also I tried to take a picture in the same spot each time, but the 20 week picture I was wearing pink which blended in with the wall too much!  Ha!
 And speaking of baby girls... we have added a new one to the family (besides mine!)  This is sweet Lucy.  She is the daughter of my nephew, Lindy and his wife Jenny.  Isn't she precious!?
This is my mom, Lindy and Lucy.
Andrew was pretty excited about meeting his 2nd cousin!  Look at her precious face!  (Andrew too!  He looks a little mischevious, dontcha think?)
He got great practice for when his baby sister arrives.  It was so funny, he was very shy and quiet at first.
I love this one!  He was covering his eyes like he couldn't believe it!
Then he wanted her unwrapped so he could see her tiny feet!  He was loving her so much by this time!
I was thinking he was probably confused where she came from, since his sister is still inside mommy!  Ha!  We tried to explain that his sister would be a lot like her, but she isn't coming for a few more months!  I think he is going to just be a great big brother and take such good care of "HIS" baby!  We loved meeting Lucy... we're so glad she's part of our family now.  And how fun that she and our baby girl will be able to grow up together and be almost the same age!

We've been seeing a lot of my nephew lately, too... you see, he sells cars at a Honda dealership in Ames...
Andrew has a new ride!
We are now the proud owners of a brand new Honda Odyssey!
It was so fun buying this from my nephew.  He was so good with us and told us all about it, which there is so much to learn!  I'm still learning!  I always told Craig I refused to buy a mini van... however, when I saw the new 2011 Odysseys, I quickly changed my mind!  They are awesome!  Plus, you just can't beat it with the gas mileage (compared to an SUV) and the space.  We needed more space.  Period.  We are always shoved in our car while traveling and it just wasn't working out!  Especially with a baby coming soon!  This will be just perfect and I am already in love with it!
Andrew was pretty excited about the "new" car too!  But mostly because he got a balloon out of the deal!  Ha!
Trying to help daddy sign the paperwork!  He loves riding in it.  But he only thinks it's cool because it has a TV in it!  Ha!

Andrew has a cardiology appointment tomorrow so I'll post any news after that.  We're praying that everything looks good, and based on how Andrew is behaving, I don't think there will be any surprises!  We are expecting great news!  Thanks for your continued prayers!