
Sunday, March 13, 2011

Post Op- Day 2, we have a SMILE!

Praise the Lord!!!!!!!  He actually smiled last night after our big move to the floor!  You heart parents out there that were encouraging me and saying how they seem to turn the corner when they move to the floor, bless your hearts, you were RIGHT!!  It has been a night and day difference!

Our move yesterday was very quick, there must have been an accident because they kicked us out of the PICU room very fast.  I didn't even have time to take a picture of us with all our gear!  But it was quite a sight to see!  Stuff was piled on the bed with Andrew and I, and we had 3 nurses helping us with all the rest of our stuff!  Ha!  When we got settled, Andrew showed interest in eating some dinner and said he wanted chicken, so we got him some and he actually ate chicken, broccoli and applesauce!  I was so proud of him!

Last night at bedtime he became upset and had some more pain, but once that got controlled, he was able to rest fairly well and woke up this morning happy and his personality is definitely coming back!  Ga Ga asked him this morning if he needed some more medicine for his pain and he said, "ummmm.  Yeah!  I'd like some pancakes!"  Ha!  I think he thought that was what she asked him.  He's been giggling at the minions on Despicable Me (movie), and he told the doctor "Hey!  Stop doing that!"  Ha!  Definitely his old spunk has returned.  Thank God.  We are feeling so much better.  The chest tubes are supposed to come out today and he gets to have a bath!  Things are looking up!

Last night we had a special little birthday party for daddy in our hospital room and we gave Andrew a present, too.  We figured he deserved it, and he was feeling good enough to enjoy it!
A basket of Scooby Doo goodies!
I knew he'd love this fan with Scooby in a shark airplane.  He's been super entertained with it!  I'm waiting until he realizes there's candy in it!  Ha!
Loving that precious smile... oh how I've missed it!  I actually felt better too!  I got a shower and put on some make up!  Ha!  Amazing what that can do for you!
Watching his Scooby movie... he's happy!
He told me he wanted to take this Scooby basket home and then he can carry it!  Ha!  I told him it can be his Easter egg basket.  He was so thrilled.  And I was just thrilled he actually cared enough about something for it to bring a smile to his face!  We had just been trying everything to cheer him up and those sad faces were just killing me!
Singing happy birthday to daddy and enjoying one of Andrew's cookie bouquets!  We were going to get Craig a cake, but we thought the cookies would be perfect instead!
Andrew even enjoyed a bite!  And he wanted chocolate milk!  I think he obviously is feeling better.
Daddy even got some presents!  Andrew and I wrapped and decorated daddy's present at home before we came to the hospital because I knew I wouldn't get it done otherwise!  I was so glad we did.  Andrew remembered how we fixed it up for daddy, and he loves celebrating birthdays so he enjoyed our little party.  I think it was a birthday Craig will always remember, that's for sure!  Happy 35th honey!  Craig has been simply the best husband and daddy to Andrew this whole time.  It is such a stressful thing for a family to go through, and Craig has been so accommodating and helpful.  I know a lot of you said that picture of Andrew with Craig broke your heart- it did mine too, but it really broke Craig's the most.  He just wants to make everything better for all of us, and he's doing a fantastic job!  We love you so much, Daddy!

This morning when I came in the room from showering, he was talking my leg off and gave me that stinker grin.  Then he said "I'm okay mama!" He has also told us that his owie feels better.  Praise God.  God has worked another miracle here.  And once again, we have witnessed it.  We are so blessed.

Thank you again for all the prayers!  We are overwhelmed with your kindness and the love you have shown our family!