
Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Our Easter

The Easter Bunny came to visit Andrew on Saturday instead of Sunday because we were leaving to go to Grandpa and Grandma Huegel's.  He left lots of eggs with jelly beans inside!
Jelly beans are Andrew's newest love...
I couldn't really get him to stop and say cheese, as he wanted to run and look for what he had asked EB for...
Found it!  It is just amazing that EB knows just what he wanted- the Despicable Me Minion and Yogi Bear movie.  And a few other "goodies" too!

He was pretty excited!
I love this...wish it wasn't so blurry! 
His other favorite- a Toy Story scooter!
Luckily daddy could fit it in the van so we took it to Grandpa and Grandma's!
After playing outside for a while, we came in to dye Easter eggs with cousins Jack and Brooke.

On Easter morning the EB had hidden eggs in the basement for the kids to find!
Jack was so sweet and shared his eggs with Andrew...because all Andrew does is find one, open it and sit there and eat the candy, meanwhile the rest of the eggs are being found! He obviously doesn't "get it!"  Ha!
Sweet cousin picture!
The kids had the most fun playing "Scooby Doo."  They shut the lights off in the basement and would go down with flashlights looking for "monsters."  Pretty soon they'd come racing up the stairs screaming because two "daddy" monsters were scaring them!  Ha!  They had a blast!
On our way back from Grandpa and Grandma's we stopped to see Ga Ga and Papa.  They had some Easter baskets for Andrew too!  That EB, he gets around to a lot of places!  Ha!
He got some toys from "Hop."
And a chocolate EB, which he LOVED!  I think he would have eaten the whole thing!  He cried when I made him save some for later!
Chocolate all over his face!
This is a bad picture but it was so funny because the EB had left little piles of jelly bean poop around Ga Ga's house!  Ha!  Andrew just thought it was so funny.
This was what he wanted most of all.  He has been obsessed with this movie since Ga Ga took him to it- his first 3D movie.  He has been begging for "Tangled" toys and the movie!  The toys were a stretch- a little too "girly" for daddy's taste, but Ga Ga pulled through and Andrew was so thrilled.
I wish I could have captured pictures of his excitement when he saw that surprise!  He just loves the toys, and especially Rapunzel and her long hair!
We think he made up for wanting a "girl's" toy because he added some dinosaurs into the mix!  Ha!
It was his turn to have the class book from his preschool this weekend so we shared it with Ga Ga.  The story is too funny not to share, even though it is a little embarrassing!  It is a book about squares and each child picked a square and colored it.  Each page says, "_____'s square is a ______."  The kids thought of great things- blocks, legos, a computer, etc.  Guess what Andrew's square was?
Yep.  A TV.  I couldn't help but laugh.  The child has watched a lot of TV lately, recovering from surgery.  Not to mention he is obsessed with movies.  What can I say?
This was so cute.  When we got home Sunday night, we had an actual visit from the EB!  Even mommy was surprised!  Ha!  Ga Ga EB must have snuck in and left little baskets for Andrew and his baby sister.  He even cleaned up the house a little!  Normally I leave everything spotless before we leave, but I was too rushed to get out the door on Saturday and didn't have time to clean up.  I was definitely confused when I walked in and saw that everything was clean!
Andrew was so excited to find this little surprise on his bed!
This weekend I also made it to 28 weeks!  I can't believe another month has gone by.  Time just seems to be flying by with this pregnancy.  I am finding it harder to be back to teaching, as it is harder for me to sit on the floor, or bend down to pick things up!  Ha!  My kids are sweet and always get things for me and pick up the floor really well.  When I got back we played a little guessing game and they guessed if I was having a girl or boy.
They are pretty good guessers...don'tcha think?

 I had little treats for them that shared the news- cookies with pink frosting.  They were so excited to hear I was having a girl.  They love hearing stories about Andrew and now the baby too.  Only 5 more weeks of school and then I'm off for the summer and can focus on getting things finalized for her big arrival!  We are so excited!

We hope all of you had a blessed Easter!