
Thursday, June 2, 2011

Memorial Day Weekend

We had such a fun Memorial Day weekend, even though the weather wasn't the greatest.  We had planned to head up to the lake to put the boat in the water for the first time this season.  When we headed up on Saturday, it was really windy and the lake was too rough for a boat ride, so daddy and Papa put the boat in and put the cover on the lift while mommy and GaGa took Andrew to McDonalds and to a few shops (which he did NOT love!  Ha!)

After that it started raining, so we went and checked into our hotel and went for a swim!  Andrew was more excited about this than anything else!
 We ran to Target to get him some floaties because we left his life jacket in the boat.  He loved this big monkey ring!  Although the head sort of got in his way!  Ha!  

 He was fascinated with the bubbles in the hot tub!  It was like a giant bubble bath!
Daddy was being silly wearing the monkey on his head!  Andrew was hitting it with the fun noodle!  Ha!  This entertained him for a long time!
 And while they were entertained, mommy got to relax!  Ha!  I debated about putting this picture out there, but it is seriously too funny not to!  That would be my huge belly!  I can't get over this picture, it just makes me look huge!  Ha!  I mean seriously, where are my legs??  I think my little girl will think it is pretty funny someday!
 Andrew just loved his time in the pool, he never wanted to get out!
 He was funny sitting on daddy's shoulders, then he'd fall back into the water.
 Another funny... I had to crop Craig out of this one (your welcome honey!  Ha!) but my boys both came out of the shower with towels wrapped around them like this!  He looks like such a little man here!  I just laughed and laughed (and grabbed the camera of course!)
 After trying out the new Ruby Tuesdays next door and a trip to Walmart, Andrew and Papa popped some popcorn!

 Because you just can't go to a hotel and watch a movie without it!  Andrew was in his happy place, for sure.

We all slept great and when we woke up we had a delicious breakfast at the hotel and another quick swim before we decided to head to the lake and see if the wind had gone down.
 Luckily this time our side of the lake was calm so we ventured out, even though it was a little chilly!  Definitely not time for swimming in the lake just yet!
 This year Andrew was more obsessed with driving the boat than he's been in the past.  He did not want to leave daddy's lap, and he insisted on messing with every button, and the throttle!  Ha!  One of these years he'll be driving by himself!  Look out!
 Stinker face!  Touching the buttons and he knows he's not supposed to!
 One of the very few times he got off daddy's lap.
 He looks like such a serious boater here!  Ha!
 We tried to have him take a nap on Ga Ga, but he really didn't want to stay there too long!  After a couple minutes it was back to the driver's seat!
 I grew up in this very spot at the lake for over 30 summers, and never have they had this cool of a playground!  They just put this in and Andrew went nuts!  It is right across from the lake where we keep our boat, so now every time we go to the boat we are going to have to stop here and play!
We had to drag him away so we could stop for lunch at a favorite spot before heading home!
This place has also been a staple at the lake forever.  They have the best ice cream and yummy chicken!  I always want to eat here every time we come to the lake.  You order from your booth from a telephone! How many restaurants today do you still do that??  It is so fun!

We headed home and Andrew stayed with Ga Ga and Papa one more night while mommy and daddy went home to go shopping for shelving for baby sister's closet.  We also had some organizing to do with clothes and getting stuff ready for our upcoming garage sale.  We had stopped by the cemetery earlier in the week to visit Grandpa Bill's grave, but Ga Ga and Papa took Andrew in the convertible on Monday with the flags flying and Andrew loved it.  My mom said it was just breathtaking... I asked her why she didn't take a picture!  Ha!  She said she relies on me now because I am the "official" picture taker, so she doesn't even think about it anymore!  Oh well.  It was a beautiful weekend because we were all together and more lake memories were made.  I'm sure we'll be back again soon!  Only 2 more days of school!