
Saturday, July 16, 2011

Her name speaks volumes

Many people have commented about the uniqueness of Kerigan's name.  I wanted to write about how special her name is, so we have it in the "journal."
 Some of you may remember a past post about a name that Craig and I had always loved, and we always thought we'd name our daughter... well, throughout the pregnancy, that name changed.  A few years ago in my 2nd grade class, I had an adorable little girl named Kerigan.  I had never heard the name before, but I loved it right away (plus, it helped that she was such a sweet little girl!)  It is hard as teachers to name your kids, because it seems like there is always a name you love but had a student that you just can't name your kid after!  Ha!
As the pregnancy went on, my mind kept coming back to "Kerigan." Then I made the connection with my mom's name, Kari (which is officially spelled "Keri.")
And that is how her name came to be.
My mom is an amazing person.  She is the most selfless person I know.  I can't even explain how much she helps me and will drop everything she is doing any time I need her.  I am truly the luckiest person in the world to have her for my mother. 
 She is also an amazing grandmother.  Andrew adores her.  What makes her so special to him is the time she spends with him, and that she gives him her undivided attention every time they are together.  He is the most important thing to her, and he knows it.  I am so happy I was able to give her another grandchild- this time, a granddaughter.
Kerigan is her very special birthday gift.  Today is my mom's birthday.  They are four days apart.  Another reason for the namesake.
Kerigan is such an amazing gift to our family.  With the kind of relationship my mom and I have, I longed for a daughter so badly.  I can only thank God for giving me the best teacher in the world- my mom.  I pray that I can raise my daughter the way that she raised me, and that my daughter and I will share the same bond.
Mom and I can't wait to dress her up in her Christmas dress and take her to the Rockettes someday!  Or take her to see "Annie" or "Mary Poppins" at the Civic Center.  All special memories of things my mom did with me.  I have the best childhood memories, and I try especially hard to make sure my kids will too.
 My mom has taken care of Andrew all week while we've been in the hospital.  She stayed last night on our first night home to help us out too.  So she woke up here on her birthday morning and we had a special celebration in honor of her!  We had a delicious butter braid.
And Andrew was so excited to give her the gift from him and Kerigan.
My mom loved her name bracelet with Andrew's name.  A couple weeks ago I searched her house and found the bracelet so I could take it to add a string- Kerigan's name.  I just love the way it turned out (mom did too!)
 Mom, Kerigan will always be your namesake.  She doesn't know it yet, but she is the luckiest little girl on the planet!  You are her Grandmother.  Someday I know she will consider it an honor to have been named after someone so special in her life.

One of the most special memories I have is of my mother and father and how much they loved each other.  Kerigan's name not only honors my mother, but my father as well.  The other most important person in my life.  Her middle name, Irene, was the name of my dad's mother.  My dad also had a very special relationship with his mother, and he used to tell me all about her.  I know many special stories about my grandma Irene, who I never had the privilege to know, but who has always held a special place in my heart because of how much I loved my father.  Irene passed away when my dad was only 15 years old.  It was so hard for him to lose his mother at such a young age, but her love for him made a huge impact on the rest of his life.  It is an honor for me to be able to name my daughter after my Grandma Irene.  

I know God sent us Kerigan Irene so that we could give her a life of love, and teach her how to honor the God that gave her to us.  I am so proud that her name honors two of the most special people in my life.
My mom and dad.

Happy Birthday Mom!  You are so loved.