
Thursday, July 28, 2011

Island Girl!

My little girl had her 2 week check up this week.  Her awesome pediatrician was thrilled with her weight gain.  She said the goal of that appointment was for her to be back to her birth weight (8 lbs 1oz).  She weighed 8lb 6oz!  To us, that was amazing.  We are not used to our kids gaining weight that well!  Ha!
Our little miss is just the sweetest, most cuddly baby I could ever imagine.  She is such a good girl, and pretty much sticks to her 3oz every 3 hour feeding schedule and sleeps in the meantime.  Lately she has been more alert between feedings, and we love to put her on her tummy or just hold her and let her look at our faces.
She loves to look around and is very focused on our faces and also loves to look at the photos above the couch of Andrew.  They are all different sizes in black frames and black and white photos.  I have heard babies love to look at black and white images, and I guess it's true!
I have gotten so many comments from strangers when we take her out.  Everyone comments about her hair.  She does have a ton of it!  It is just like mine when I was a baby.  My mom said that people used to stop my parents and say the same things about me, which I think is really funny!  
One lady even noticed when I was holding her when we were out the other day that she already cuddles and hugs me.  It is very true, she loves to lay on my chest and puts her little arms around me and curls right in.  I am pretty sure there is no better feeling in the world than that!
Lately, she has been acting somewhat fussy after feedings and showing some signs of reflux.  I took her back to the doctor because we have been getting very little sleep the past several nights as she is uncomfortable on her back and doesn't want to sleep unless she's being held- little stinker!
The doctor suggested we try switching formula first, and she did send us with a prescription for Zantac, in case the formula change doesn't do the trick.  When she was weighed today, she already weighed 8lb 13oz!  I almost fell over!  In only 3 days she gained 7oz!  We are so blessed this girl is an eater and is growing and healthy as can be!

I am thinking we are creating a monster by holding her all the time, but I have to admit, I absolutely love holding this girl.  She is so fun to hold because she just cuddles right in and is so content.  We feed her around 9 at night and then we just love on her while we are watching shows before we go to bed.  It is so fun to have a little person with us at night now.
When I took these pictures of her I could not get her to wake up!  My sweet friend Lisa sent me this beautiful little island dress because it reminded her of our tropical themed wedding and Hawaiian honeymoon.  I thought that was so sweet of her.  And Kerigan looks just precious in it!
We are just loving having this sweet girl in our family.  She is everything we could have ever hoped for...

And more.
We still can't believe she's only been in the world for 2 weeks.  We look at her and wonder what we ever did without her now!  (And yes, I'm having too much fun with bows, playing dress up and having photo shoots!  Ha!)