
Friday, July 8, 2011

Maternity Photo Shoot- 37 weeks

I wanted to get some maternity photos taken of our family before baby girl arrived, so last week we got them done.  I had so many ideas I wanted for the photos, but the problem was, I was the only one who could take them, and I wanted to be in them (for once! Ha!) So we got them taken by a friend of a friend, Katie Swanson Photography, and she did an excellent job!  These are just a few of our favorites...

The Big Brother!

A couple of people asked how I got up and down from these positions- Ha!  Let's just say it wasn't easy!  And we were all praying this wasn't poison oak we were sitting in!  Ha!

I love this one, too.  Believe it or not, Andrew was being such a pill this night!  Ha!  He was running all around, would not sit still and would not say cheese for anything!  We were both getting so frustrated with him.  I told the photographer when I saw the pictures that it looked like he was a perfect angel the whole time!  Ha!
Someone else commented that this is dad hugging his "girls," I loved that analogy!  Craig is just the best daddy and I can't wait to see his heart melt with his little girl.
This was so funny, we had to bribe him with a movie so he'd be good and we were trying to get him in this picture but he kept running away so I said, "Andrew, do you want your movie?" and he immediately did this- his new favorite thing "close your eyes and hold out your hand," thinking I was going to give it to him right there!  Ha!  Silly boy.  (For the record, Craig and I stood our ground and did not reward him with a movie, because despite how adorable he might look in all these pictures...he did not deserve it!  Ha!)

We went across the street to a beach to get some pictures by the water (which I really wanted!)  But we came so unprepared.  No extra outfits, and right when we got there Andrew ran straight into the sand (which was like mud from all the rain!) and water and got filthy!

I just love his smile here.
Again, I told the photographer she made the pictures look like he was perfectly clean and white the entire time!  Ha!  We ended up taking off his shirt for some of them, but his pants were soaked too!  Craig spent a long time vacuuming out our van after the ride home with sandy pants and feet!  Ha!
This is my very favorite picture.  It is exactly what I had in mind, and I love the water in the background.  I love the way Andrew's little hand is touching my belly, and he's kissing his sister with such love.  I cannot wait to see the two of them interact and to watch their relationship over the years.  It just brings tears to my eyes just thinking about it.  I am so blessed to have been able to give Andrew the gift of a sibling.  It's one of those things that I just can't explain, but I know that God is able to give me the desires of my heart...

And He has.