
Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Adventureland! {a special trip for big brother...}

 This little girl's outfit says "My Grandma Rocks!"  Know why we think her Grandma rocks?
 Because she stayed with Kerigan for a whole day so we could take big brother on a special trip to Adventureland!
 We really wanted to spend some extra special time with Andrew because he has been getting a little less attention lately, although we try really hard to make him feel special and included in things with Kerigan.  But still... obviously our time is more divided now.  Much different than what he's used to.
 He was very excited about a special day with mommy and daddy by himself.
 The funny thing was, he wasn't really interested in these kiddie rides... when we pulled into the parking lot he saw the big roller coasters, and that was all he wanted to ride!
 He was about 2 inches shy of the height limit, so we talked him into some other things, which he still thought were pretty fun.  He just has no fear, and I know he would have ridden those roller coasters and loved every second of it!  Maybe next summer...
 Of course we had to take a break from the rides to win a giant Scooby Doo.  It only took daddy about 30 shots of basketball to win it!  Ha!  But there was no way we were leaving without it once he saw it.  He is obsessed with Scooby Doo.  No pressure daddy!  

 I love how he is looking back in this picture.  He loves looking at how things work, and he is always looking at the back of the big boat at the lake too.
 Daddy's all time favorite ride...

 This was a fun ride.  It was a smaller version of the space shot, the one for adults that is really tall and super fast.

It was so funny, once he got off the ride and saw the big one, he begged to go on it!  Ha!  There is no way I would even ride that ride.  What a daredevil!
 That's Craig and Andrew on the sky coaster behind me.  It was only a 2 person ride, so it gave me a good photo opp!  I thought it was neat that it rode over the log ride so you could see the people coming down.

And speaking of the log ride... Andrew begged to ride on it, so we waited until we were ready to go on all the "wet" rides before heading to the water park.  He absolutely loved it!  I so wish I could have gotten pictures of all the water rides, but I had to put the camera away so it wouldn't get wet (this made me a little sad, ha!)
 This is how wet we all got on the Raging River ride... totally soaked!  Andrew loved it!  It was actually such a beautiful day- it wasn't as hot as it had been, so it was really nice.

It was even a little rainy as the day went on, which was fine with us!  We'd rather have that than be hot and sweating through our clothes!  After the water rides, we headed over to the new waterpark, Adventure Bay.
I pulled this picture from online because I didn't take a single picture at the waterpark.  Isn't that amazing??  We were having so much fun together, and Craig sort of told me I should just "enjoy the moment" and make memories to remember, and I don't always have to photograph everything (yeah, right!)  But I listened to him this time, and I'm so glad I did.  I actually threw my suit on and frolicked in the water with Craig and Andrew!  Ha!  I thoroughly enjoyed the waterslides, since I was pregnant in the Dells I couldn't go on one, and I never realized how much I was missing!  We had a blast!  Craig and I took turns taking Andrew on the big slides and going by ourselves on the scary ones.  It really was fun to be a kid again!  We stayed until the waterpark closed, and then we went back into the main park for dinner and a train ride before heading home.  Andrew had been looking forward to the train all day.
 I talked Craig into one last ride before we left...
 The ferris wheel is always a favorite of mine, but Craig hates heights!  He was still a good sport and came along.  Andrew loved it!  
 View of Adventureland from above... (see the really big roller coasters in the distance?  Yeah, those are the ones he was begging to ride!)
It was just a beautiful evening, but an even more wonderful day.  We missed our baby girl, but it was so fun to hang out again, just the three of us.  We talked about how fun it will be when we can bring Kerigan back with us someday.  Thanks again for watching her, mom!  She loved her time with Ga Ga too.

*Andrew's cardiologist called with results from his lung profusion scan.  The percentage of blood going to each lung is 30/70.  This is what it usually is, so it was no surprise.  Just unfortunate that the surgery didn't improve things more than that.  He was confident that Dr. D in Iowa City can do something about it in the cath lab.  He was going to fax the results and consult with him on the phone to come up with a plan.  We should be hearing from Iowa City soon.  I'll keep everyone posted and thanks for all the prayers!