
Wednesday, September 21, 2011


We took Andrew bowling for the first time a couple weekends ago.
Andrew and his friend Landon were cheering because daddy knocked over the pins!
Very serious about rolling his bowling ball down the slide!
He went back and forth between using the slide and just rolling the ball.  He would try to roll it in the gutters on purpose!  Ha!
He loved it when the ball rolled up!

Love the mini bowling shoes!  And I was trying to get a picture of him with the ball before he rolled it down the slide, and he purposely let it go before I took the picture.  This was his reaction afterwards!  A great smile, with no ball!  Stinker!
He finally let me snap one! (I think I might have bribed him with something!  Ha!)
He loved the chairs that swung around back and forth!

Love this- daddy "coaching" him
Yay Daddy! 

Lots of shoes

Landon choking lovin on his brother and Andrew!  Ha!

We had a great time bowling with the Grylls family!