
Monday, October 17, 2011

for this child I prayed...

"For this child I prayed... and the Lord answered my prayer and gave her to me.  Now I give her back to the Lord.  She will belong to the Lord all her life."  Samuel 1:27-28

This weekend was Kerigan's baptism, and it was a beautiful day spent with all our family, celebrating this little girl's precious life.
Kerigan's dress was a very special one.  It was worn by her great-great grandmother and her mommy on our baptism days.  It spans 5 generations.  I was so blessed to be able to have her wear such a special family heirloom.
This is my mom and me on November 17, 1976 (my baptism day).  The dress was then 71 years old.  (My mom's not a big fan of her glasses in this picture, but I think she looks beautiful!  And don'tcha think Kerigan looks just a little bit like her mama??  We think the resemblance is a little scary!  Ha!)
This is the best quality I could get with this picture, but I just love it.  My great grandma was holding me (it was her baptism dress) and my mom said she was so proud this day to have me wear it.  My mom and grandma are behind us.  Four generations.  I am beyond blessed to now have a daughter of my own.  God definitely answered my prayers and blessed me with much more than I deserve.
We had a beautiful church service dedicating Kerigan to our awesome God!
Me and my beautiful daughter- I am so proud of her!
3 generations.  I wish my grandma could have come so we could have had another 4 generation photo.  She doesn't get out and about easily anymore, so I am thinking of just having Kerigan wear the dress to her house sometime so we can get a picture there.
Kerigan with her sponsors- her Ga Ga and her Uncle Jason (Craig's brother- can you tell?  Ha!)
I love this of Andrew.  He felt so special to get to go up front for the ceremony.  And even funnier that he has been trained to say "cheese" whenever he sees a camera!  Ha!

"I baptize you in the name of the Father, and of the son, and of the holy spirit..."
Andrew was so interested in everything.  The day before I had showed him his special scrapbook from his baptism day and tried to explain what it meant.  He was so handsome in his little shirt and tie!
And he is also a very proud big brother- he loves this little girl more than anything!
Marked with the cross of Christ- forever.

Getting her special candle
Our family with Kerigan's sponsors
The Ellett side- my brother Tim and sister in law Cindy, and my mom and Jim
And the Huegel side- Great grandma Huegel, grandpa and grandma Huegel, Uncle Jay, Aunt Rachel, Evelyn and Jayden, Uncle Jeff, Aunt Lori Anne and Abby (in back) and Uncle Keith, Aunt Darlene and Jack and Brooke.  We were so grateful that all of Craig's brothers were there to share this special day- Many of them drove from very far away just to be here for this special occasion, and it meant a lot to us.
Back at our house, we had a celebration!
Everyone had lunch and visited
Then Kerigan opened her gifts.  She got a special quilt made by great grandma Nosbisch with her name and birthday embroidered on it.  Craig's grandma is a very special lady.  She makes these quilts for all her great grandchildren.
This picture is so cute because it looks like Kerigan is smiling about her presents!  Ha!
I took about a million pictures of her and I had trouble narrowing down the best ones!
Kerigan with Aunt Cindy

Ga Ga and Papa

After we opened gifts we had cake- we had a special cake made in the shape of a dress, since the dress was a special part of the day!
I just thought it turned out beautifully!
Kerigan with her cake- too bad she couldn't eat any!
We had a beautiful day!  Thanks to all our family who spent the day with us!

"Children are a gift from the Lord; they are a reward from Him."  Psalm 127:3