
Friday, November 11, 2011

family photo shoot

My sweet girl is FOUR months old tomorrow!  I have her post all ready to go, but I am going to wait until I have her stats from her appointment on Tuesday to post the update!  So instead today I thought I would share our photo shoot from a couple of weeks ago- we finally got the pictures back.  This was Kerigan's 3 month photo shoot and Andrew's five year (even though he's not quite five yet!) :)  Mainly I just wanted to get some professional pictures of my sweet girl in her special tutu!
I got what I wanted... ya think?  That smile is a killer!  Man I love that girl!  She is full of personality already and I could just eat her up she's so precious!

Love this one... those eyes!  Captivating!
Seriously?  Pure cuteness!
Got this one in a huge frame in her room!  LOVE!  The baby toes... 
She's so stinkin cute at tummy time.  
My loves...
We had quite a time with Andrew (as usual!)  And he always looks so adorable and innocent in the pictures... but don't be fooled!  Ha!  He was stinkin naughty!  This is the only family one that turned out decent!  And I'm shocked we're actually all looking at the camera!

Handsome boys.  And yes, Andrew is his mini me!  Scary, isn't it?
Maybe you can tell she's not so happy here.  Could be because he's pressing his face into hers super hard?  Ha!
Don't let that angelic face fool you!

He just looks so big with his hands in his pockets like this...

How is this my baby?  Where did the time go???

The ones of the two of them together were few and far between!  Basically Andrew just wanted to mess with her, poke her, bop her on the head, etc.
As you can see, she's real happy about it!  Ha!
When they were both finally smiling and looking...Kerigan decided to put her hands in her mouth!  Typical!
No words... just pure cuteness!

Love it!  Ha!

By this time she was done.  She wasn't giving any big genuine smiles, but I'm still happy with the pictures!  I needed to update my frames on the walls, so now my sweet daughter is on the wall too!

And that wall just got a whole lot cuter, let me tell ya!

Happy four months baby girl... and guess who just rolled from her tummy to her back tonight?  Yep!  One day before her 4 month birthday!  Way to go girlie!  

Four month post coming Tuesday...