
Monday, November 28, 2011

Thanksgiving Day

We've had such a busy weekend!  The break was so nice (even though I just went back to work... I was ready for a break!  Ha!)  School was out on Wednesday, so I had 3 days off and I loved every minute of it.  I kept the kids home from day care on Wednesday and we just hung out in our jammies and got some baking and wrapping done for our weekend.

On Thursday we went to my grandma's to celebrate Thanksgiving.
Our smiley girl enjoyed her first Thanksgiving... but I think she wanted to eat with the rest of us!  Ha!
She loves her Grandma Tootie!
Our day consisted of a lot of this... playing games with cousins,
Eating treats...
And opening our first present of the season- our annual ornaments from my grandma.  Every year she gives all the grandkids ornaments.  Kerigan got her first one- a lamb.
Andrew was excited about his too!  Woody and Buzz in a stocking.  He couldn't wait to get it home to hang it on the tree and add to his collection.
My cousins, Kendra and Kelsie, holding Kerigan.  They both kept wanting to hold her!  I wish they lived closer because they would be great babysitters!
It's funny... I always take pictures of the "kids" but really, I belong in this picture, because I am the oldest grandchild!  My cousins were born much later (Kolton and I are 25 years apart!)  but it just seems more like the kids are Andrew and Kerigan's first cousins since they are closer in age!  Andrew just loves them so much and loves to see them.
Craig carved the turkey and we had all the trimmings.  It was a delicious meal!
The best family picture we could get.  Andrew is such a stinker for pictures!  

Andrew headed back with Ga Ga and Papa to spend the night (he said "only just Ga Ga, Papa and me, you go back home!"  Ha!)  So Craig and I took the princess back home and I started baking for our next gathering.  On Friday we headed to Craig's parents for an early Christmas celebration!  More to come soon...
Happy Thanksgiving!