
Saturday, January 21, 2012

new years & a late christmas

Once again I'm getting delayed with my posts... I need to back up to New Years Eve!  Ha!  Obviously my resolution needs to be keeping up with the blog.  I am determined to do a couple posts this week to get ready for Andrew's special day next week!  He is having his very first ever "friend"  birthday party, not at our house... and he is so thrilled (and so am cleaning or having to get the house ready to entertain!  Ha!)
We spent New Years Eve at ImagineEve downtown.  We had so much fun last year that we wanted to do it again.  We met Uncle Jay, Aunt Rachel and the kids for a yummy dinner at Red Robin before heading downtown.  We all chuckled thinking- who would have ever thought we'd be spending New Years Eve at Red Robin with our 4 kids??  It was a little chaotic, but we all agreed there is nothing else we'd rather have done!
ImagineEve is a family event with plenty of bounce houses, slides...and clowns! 
Andrew and his cousins, Evelyn and Jayden
They just went from one slide to the next.  One thing I always notice about these particular slides- they actually shine and they are clean!  Ha!  I realize they are crawling with germs but they do look like they are in good shape and clean-ish.  Which makes this germ-phobe mama happy!
This clown had a puppy, Andrew was excited!  Ha!
The favorite slide... McQueen!
Sweet cousins- 4 days apart!
Kerigan loves Aunt Rachel!  She loves to carry Kerigan around all the time...spoiled girl!  Ha!
Kerigan loves her cousins too...she loves little kids!  I think they all remind her of her brother, who she just adores.  She smiles at pretty much everybody, but she always smiles at other kids!
Andrew cracks me up with his hand in his pocket!  What a big boy!  The kids loved this dragon slide!

He loved the Scooby Doo bounce house!

He just came flying down this slide...all flipped over!  Ha!
The neatest thing is watching the fireworks from the skywalk.  The kids were just mesmerized!  Afterwards we all came back to our house and the kids played and we had treats and we almost made it to midnight!  All the kids played hard until about 11:30 and then they crashed!  Ha!

The weekend after New Years we celebrated a late Christmas with my grandma, and uncle, aunt and cousins.
Andrew loved this lizard that was on his present.
He would not put it down and has played with it every day since!
This dinosaur was another favorite!  He wanted to take it to show and tell at school the next day! (Note the lizard in his hand still!  Ha!)
Ga Ga and Papa with Kerigan
She was so sweet opening her presents.
She grabbed at everything and loves it all!  She loved this book that lights up and plays music.
Love her going after the wrapping!
She's got it all figured out!
This is another favorite toy she got!  She just grins and giggles at it all the time!

Kerigan with her second cousin- Kelsie.  This is about her 4th Christmas outfit I think, but this is a special one because this little dress belonged to Kelsie when she was a baby!  It was so fun to dress her in it and show Kelsie that she used to be that little once!  Ha!
And I look at this picture and can remember when Kelsie was born and I cannot imagine my daughter ever being as big as she is now!  Time just flies!  It seems like just yesterday I was holding Kelsie just like this!
Kendra, Kerigan and Kelsie
I love this picture.  This is Kolton, my first cousin on my mom's side of the family.  We are 25 years apart (I was the only grandchild until he came along!  Ha!)  Anyway, when Kolton was a baby I just adored him (of course I still do!)  We spent a lot of time with them up at the lake in the summers and Kolton was like my baby!  Now it is so fun seeing him with my babies!  He is normally off building with legos or something, but I caught him being so cute with Kerigan!  She loved him!
My grandma with all her grandkids (and only great grandchildren, Andrew & Kerigan)
Our whole family (Craig was clearly not ready for the photo shoot!  Ha!) except for my other uncle who took the picture and refuses to be in photos!

We had a great time over the holidays and I can't believe they are over already and the Christmas decorations are down (well...except the outside lights!)  My goal is always to have everything down by Andrew's birthday, so we're doing good!  I can't believe next week my baby will be FIVE.

Lots of  birthday fun coming up!