
Sunday, February 5, 2012

a birthday to remember

Andrew's actual birthday was on a Monday this year, and I have to admit, I looked for ways to miss work that day because I really wanted to stay home and spend the day with him!  But I figured it was time to let him be grown up and go to school like other kids do on their birthdays!  It was the first time I had ever been away from him on his birthday (all his previous birthdays have fallen on weekends, or when I wasn't working).  It felt so strange dropping him off with his birthday treats for both his day care and his preschool, kissing him goodbye and leaving!  It wasn't easy.  But I did it.
I took extra time that morning before we went to school and we all sat and ate breakfast together and sang "Happy Birthday."  I put a candle in Andrew's favorite muffin and he loved that.  Kerigan wore her cupcake outfit just for brother's big day!  The night before I had decorated the house so when he woke up all his decorations would be up.

We had planned to celebrate that night at home.  On my way home from work, this is what the temperature said...
It was 66 degrees!  That is unheard of for January 30 in Iowa!  The whole week was just gorgeous- sunny and mild.  We decided to do something that we figured might not happen again for a long time on Andrew's birthday... GRILL OUT!!
Andrew really wanted to stay home rather than go out to eat.  Usually after a day of school, he loves to just come home, play with his toys and hang out.  He is such a homebody!  If I turn the other direction when we leave his school he gets so mad at me because we aren't going home.  I knew he'd love to just enjoy his birthday at home.  So we did.
We couldn't believe we could actually sit on the deck outside with no coats on!!  Andrew played on his swingset while Daddy and Papa grilled steaks.  It was such a treat for all of us!
Modeling Papa's hat!
The only problem was, it got dark so early!  When the weather is that nice, we are used to it staying light out longer!  So when the sun went down we eventually had to put on our coat and hat!  But it was still beautiful out.
Papa grilled Andrew a hot "dog"!  Ha!
Ga Ga and Andrew looked at a book she had made about the story of his birth.  He really enjoyed seeing the pictures of himself as a baby!
This picture cracks me up!  I was so glad I was able to find him a Kung Fu Panda card!  I bought it last summer when the movie was first out.  They don't have much else Kung Fu Panda right now, so I had to get a lot of things online.
Then he opened presents from Ga Ga and Papa and mommy and daddy.  
He had wanted this Kung Fu P thing... he even realized he didn't get it for Christmas and he thought Santa forgot!  Ha!  I had saved it for his birthday since it went with the theme!  He was so thrilled.
This was probably what he wanted most... he had been begging for this movie.  But again, I was saving it for his KFP birthday!
Ga Ga and Papa got him a Cars 2 geotrax set to connect with his others.  He was so happy about that too.  This is his other favorite movie!
After opening presents we had birthday cake!
This was my sad Panda cake I threw together last minute and attempted to decorate!  Ha!  I realized I had nothing for eyes, so I used oreos and a candy heart for his mouth.  I used two cupcakes for his ears. It didn't really look like a panda, but it tasted delicious and Andrew loved it!
I'm always the one behind the camera but I wanted a picture of me with my boy on his 5th birthday!
Sweet siblings...
Ga Ga and Papa...

It was a perfect day.  Andrew had a great time sharing his treats at school and being with his family in the evening.  Our little miracle is now five years old.  Oh how I wish I would have known five years ago that things would turn out this way.  I would have been so happy and relieved to know he'd be blowing out five candles one day!  I know we can't predict the future...but God knew all along.  

"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."
Jeremiah 29:11