
Thursday, March 1, 2012

Baby Ga Ga

So I know I am way behind in blogging.  I hate when I get behind.  I have so much to share about some of our latest adventures but time has just not been on my side the past few weeks.   There are several posts swirling in my head, but this was one I could do easily.  A recent photo shoot of my little diva...
Do you see her onesie?  It says Lady Baby Ga Ga!  "Lady" is literally crossed out.  
Papa found it at a girly store in town and said Kerigan had to have it.
And why, you ask?
Because Kerigan is a Baby Ga Ga!  Literally!
You may recall she is named after her real Ga Ga, (Grandma Kari- my mom).
So she really is a BABY Ga Ga!
My mom wants it to be known that she was called Ga Ga, long before "Lady Ga Ga" even became popular!  
Miss bright eyes!
So just to hold you off until I can get back to blogging this weekend...

our very own little
Ga Ga!  (And some stinkin cute chubby baby toes!)