
Sunday, May 6, 2012

look alikes

Lately I have been noticing how much Andrew and Kerigan look alike (well, she looks a lot like him in his baby pictures anyway!)  And also, how much she looks like I did when I was her age!  Just some fun comparisons...

This is my mom and me on September 22, 1976
Sweet Kerigan and I on July 12, 2011
I just think this picture looks exactly like Kerigan.  My mom and I found it the other day and we showed it to Andrew and asked who he thought it was and he said "Kerigan."  I smiled and told him it was actually ME, and he looked at me and said "Now you grow up!"  Ha!  
I think this picture of Kerigan looks like the one above of me- our faces/expressions are so similar.

This is me in my great grandma's baptism gown- I think I was about 6 months old
Kerigan in the same dress (106 year old gown!).  She was 3 months old.

I have always loved this picture of my mom and me, and I think I look so much like her!  Everyone has always said that we are twins!  And I think this picture of me looks exactly like Kerigan, too.
Me (left), Kerigan (right), Andrew (bottom)- same smile!

These two pictures of Andrew (top) and Kerigan are so funny.  I love how they are all bundled in tight!  I think they look so much alike, too.  I think the one of Andrew looks just like Kerigan!

High chair pictures with big smiles! (Andrew-top, Kerigan-bottom)

I even think their faces look almost like they could be twins here, playing with their learning table.

Looking out the window... they both loved/love doing this

This cracks me up.  Both love to "help" daddy!  Ha!

They love the exersaucer!

And the Bumbo!  They are both about the same age here, but look how much smaller Andrew is (top)!

Both love grocery shopping.. Ha!

This just makes me laugh.  What is the obsession with crawling under these chairs and getting stuck?  Ha!
And getting stuck/bumping their head on the coffee table! (I've posted these before but I thought they fit with the look alike post too!)

Here is a little sneak peek of what our girl is doing this month!  I love that her and Andrew both learned to walk this way.  And with BIG grins on their faces!

And lots of determination!

Aren't look alike pictures fun?  It's so fun to go back and compare the kids and what they were doing at each age.