
Wednesday, June 27, 2012


Andrew has been having fun playing T-Ball this spring/summer for the first time!
He was so cute out there with his little glove, catching (or not catching!  Ha!) and throwing the ball.
I was pretty impressed with his throw in this picture!  This was game #1!
Stepping up to bat...
Love the look of concentration on his face!  He is pretty good at hitting, but sometimes knocks the whole "T" over!  Ha!
Running in his way too big shirt and way too big helmet!  Ha!  It's amazing he could even do anything!  They give all the kids the same size shirts and they always fit everyone else but Andrew!  Ha!
He was so cute, when he'd hit the ball, we'd yell "RUN!!!" because he'd just stand there, stunned that he actually hit it!  Then, he'd run to first base, stop and look at us and say "I win!"  Ha!  Yes, his daddy is an athletic director.... he has some work to do!
We also had to help him figure out to run all the bases!  Ha!
Watching Bubba play!  
I love this... daddy "coaching" from behind the fence!

If he gained nothing else, I hope he remembers and enjoyed being part of a team.  One sweet little boy came up to him after one game and said "Nice game, Andrew!"  It just made my heart so happy. 
Discussing the game very seriously with daddy.

I never even would have imagined Andrew would be playing T-Ball someday.  It always brings me back to those fragile days in the NICU and after his surgeries.  He made it... and he's come out on top!