
Sunday, June 17, 2012

the very best daddy

We have had such a great day!  A great weekend, actually.  I have many great pictures to share from the Heartwalk on Saturday.  And I wanted to let you know it is still not too late to donate, so those of you who meant to drop a check in the mail- there's still time!  I can still collect them for a couple more weeks.

We had a great Father's Day.  We all surprised Craig with a new grill, which he desperately needed!  Our old one was falling apart and way too small.  He was pretty surprised and happy to see this sitting on the deck in place of the old one!
We all grilled hamburgers and hot dogs for lunch with all the fixings, and it tasted even more delicious somehow!  I credited the grill!  Ha!
Daddy and the kids... do you like how I copied the Sears commercial and hung a tie from the grill too?  Ha!
This little girl is standing on her own and taking steps!!
For dessert I made this yummy recipe I found on a blog- campfire brownies!  Oh my.  They were oohey gooey goodness!  You just make a pan of brownies, sprinkle chocolate chips on top, bake for 2 more minutes, then spread the chips over top.  Cut marshmallows in half and put them in oven at 500 degrees.  Just watch them puff up and brown a little bit.  Then push graham crackers down on top.  Best dessert ever- seriously!
We gave Papa his present- a new mug with Andrew and Kerigan's picture.  (For those of you wondering why there aren't more pictures of the princess- she napped almost the whole afternoon!)
This is pretty much the sweetest thing ever.
Andrew is so fortunate to have two grandpas who he loves so much.  He never knew his grandpa Bill, but I'm pretty sure this man makes up for it!
Daddy had some cards to open and another few surprises from me!
He got a photo collage from the kids (one of my favorite quotes from Pinterest- Daddy... A son's first hero, a daughter's first love).  
And I'm thinking he almost liked his other "gift" just as much as the grill!  
A night out alone to see one of his favorite movies he's been bugging me about forever!  And the best part?  I didn't have to sit through it!  Ha!  He's still there now and I'm sure he's in heaven!
While I was missing my dad today, I am so grateful for all the other fathers in my life- Happy Father's Day to my sweet husband, who is an amazing father and husband; to Jim, who doesn't replace my dad but adds a whole lot of fun and love to our family and I am so grateful for him, and to my father in law, who we didn't get to see today but we all love so much!  Andrew can't wait to come see grandpa and ride the gator soon!  Love you all!

Happy Father's Day!