
Wednesday, July 4, 2012

happy 4th

Happy 4th of July!
I was so torn this holiday.  We always go to the lake for the 4th.  I think in my whole life there have maybe been 3 times I have not celebrated the 4th at the lake.  And all 3 of those times I've been homesick for it.  However, this year we have just returned from a very long and super fun vacation, and I have only just finished unpacking and catching up on laundry.  I figure we already saw the best parades and rode the best rides at Disneyland.  Somehow the thought of repacking and riding squeaky carnival rides and watching a parade while sweating and staying in yet another hotel didn't sound too appealing.  Top it off with the 100 degree weather, and we just gave it up for this year.

And I was fine with that.
We had a nice BBQ at my mom's instead.  And we went swimming.  Just being with my family is what made it a celebration anyway.  
Kerigan wore her itsy bitsy teenie weenie yellow bikini!  Ha!  She walked almost all the way to the pool's edge.  When she saw the water she just went crazy she was so excited! 
And the little man in his flag trunks!
She loves this thing so much!  It was the best purchase ever- got it on our local community facebook swap page for $3.  Best money I ever spent!
Andrew is like a fish this year.  He loves wearing his life jacket so he can jump in the deep end.  He was cracking us up, doing cannonballs, and then he'd start way back and run full speed straight into the pool, legs still going!  Ha!
After swimming we headed back to Ga Ga's and Papa grilled the best burgers and brats, and we had the first sweet corn of the season.  My favorite American meal!  It doesn't get much better than that!
Here's just some more pictures I took of the kids today- they looked so cute in their 4th outfits!  (Kerigan has about 3 other outfits I couldn't decide on one!  I may just dress her up the next few days too!)

She walked across the patio!  Still a little unsteady, but she's getting it!
Love her two front chompers!

She's obsessed with her squeaky shoes! (They squeak when she walks!)
When I put bows in her hair now she says "Pretty" and when I pull out the camera she says "Cheese!"  She knows the drill!  Ha!
This makes me laugh- she looks like she's posing for a magazine spread!  Ha!
Smush faces!  True sibling love!  Ha!

Hope all of you had a great 4th!