
Sunday, July 22, 2012

seaport village, coronado beach and some r & r

Bathing beauty!  

We had a beautiful time on our second day in San Diego.  We got up and had a delicious breakfast at our hotel restaurant.  Then Ga Ga, the kids and I just hung out at the pool while Papa and Daddy did some exploring.  Papa used to live in SD so he wanted to show Daddy around.  They went to his old high school, etc.  Fun!
The weather couldn't have been more perfect.  It was so great to just have a day to relax by the pool and soak in the sun!
He cracks me up!
Little miss tried out her floatie for the first time and it was a huge success!  She loved it!

When Daddy and Papa got back they joined us in the pool!
True relaxation... Ha!

Precious moments... another awesome thing- Kerigan took a 2 1/2 hour nap on the lawn chair!  She was so content and comfy with the nice breeze and being outside.  Perfect place to nap!
That afternoon we headed up to shower and get ready to head to Seaport Village that night.
We had the best time!  Seaport Village was so neat!  Daddy and Andrew went on the SS Midway.
It is an aircraft carrier used in World War II.  Craig was very excited about this!  I sent my phone with Craig to take pictures, and he did a good job!

Andrew loved going inside the plane and playing with all the buttons!
This shark one was a favorite!

So funny!

We then walked down to see an old Pirate ship!  This impressed Andrew quite a bit!  Ha!
My handsome boys...
My sweet dolly and me (Do you see her eyeing my "pretty?"  Ha!)  That is the bridge to Coronado Island behind us.
Andrew at Coronado Beach
Why does he look so grown up to me?
This was so cute, I was trying to take a picture of mom and Jim, and Andrew squeezed in between them!  Ha!
My goal was to take some family pictures by the beach, but the idea was short lived... We were all looking windblown, or one child would be looking away from the camera while the other was smiling! Ha!
These were the best we could do.  Photo shoots are so difficult with 2 kids!
This is probably the best one.  Andrew was so filthy and kept climbing on all the rocks!  Ha!  Then I had to pick him up and he got sand and mud all over me!
I love these...

We were asked several times if we were part of a wedding!  Ha!  I guess it's because we were all in matching white.  Good memories we will always cherish!
These pictures are so utterly precious I shouldn't even tell the story behind them... but some of you will be wondering where the pictures of Kerigan's face are, or pics of her by herself.  You won't see them, so here's the story!  I set her down in the sand to hold Andrew's hand for a photo.  I had a vision of her smiling so adorable and her and Andrew walking along the beach together.  This was not meant to be!  Ha!  The tide came in, and water rushed over her feet and up her legs and she freaked out.  I grabbed her quick (which I think scared her more!) and she was done.  She would have no more of the beach after that.  I was so disappointed.  I tried everything to get her to stand there, even sit.  She wouldn't have it.  So in these pictures, she is screaming!  Ha!  I told Andrew to just walk with her... but it was definitely against her will!
Poor thing!  Ha!  She was so mad!  Yes, I was torturing my poor child!  Ha!  But is this not the most precious thing you've ever seen?  I guess Christmas cards with the kids by the ocean isn't going to happen, but that's okay.  I've let it go!  Ha!  (And I'm going to try again at Clear Lake the rest of the summer!)

Up next, Disneyland!