
Sunday, August 12, 2012

lake goodbyes

Like I said in my last post, this has been one of the hottest and driest summers that I can remember. We have had stretches of over 100 degree temps and no rain.  Because of this, our beloved Clear Lake is at its lowest.  We had no choice but to take the boat out early, because otherwise we would have been lifting it out!  So last week we headed north and sadly took the boat out, about 2 months early.  But not before we took a boat ride, of course!
A certain little girl LOVED the boat!  She IS a girl after my own heart, of course!
And she's a little bit silly, too!
Sweet as a watermelon...

My favorite picture of her EVER.
My little man enjoyed some picnicking on the boat too!
Because we always love to grab lunch before heading out and eat it on the water!

Andrew got to drive one last time... his favorite thing to do is go in circles and make us all dizzy!
This time we had to be careful of shallow spots so we didn't let him drive too long!

She just cracks me up.  She had mac and cheese all over her face!  Ha!
This picture reminds me of a picture I have of Andrew just like this.  He wore the same life jacket and they look so much alike!
One of our favorite things to do is park along the beach and swim, etc (when I was a teenager this time was called "laying out with a magazine without a care in the world!"  Ha!  Now it's, "get in the water and swim with the kids!")  And I wouldn't want it any other way.
Andrew is such an expert swimmer now after his lessons that he was excited about jumping off the side of the boat!  That's like a high dive!
Having fun with daddy in the lake
Boating wears a person out!  Ha!

After a perfect day of boating, we pulled the boat out (as I held back tears!) :(  We are holding out hope that we may be able to bring it back up for Labor Day weekend for one last ride... c'mon rain!  (We are doing rain dances around here!)
After boating we went to one of our favorite lake spots for dinner... the OP.  We were so excited that they opened one where we live (yay!) but I am guessing it isn't going to feel quite the same.  Andrew loved the smiley fries but when my pizza got to the table he grabbed it and ate all the cheese right off the top!  Ha!
I couldn't leave the lake without a shake from The Barrel.  Best ice cream ever.

Taking the boat out for me always means the start of fall, so I am a bit discombobulated this year!  Ha!  School starts for Andrew this week (and he has a little cold...please pray he's 100% for his first day on Wednesday!), and next week is my first week back.  I changed buildings and grade levels this year so I have a mess of boxes to unpack and tons of things to do to set up for the beginning of the year.  To say I'm overwhelmed would be an understatement.  I'm not sure I'm ready for the back to school routines, getting up early, rushing out the door, and missing my kids all day.... but it's coming.  Like it or not.  And I know we'll get "back into the swing" of it soon enough.

But oh how I wish we could rewind the summer and do it all over again.