
Thursday, August 2, 2012

road trip home

On our last day in San Diego we decided to hit the beach one more time on our way home.  We had flown in and had planned to drive back in our van with Ga Ga and Papa.  Daddy had to leave a day early to get back to work.  We were all looking forward to the trip home because we had some plans to make it fun!
I loved taking the kids to the ocean.  There is just nothing like it.  It is so beautiful and peaceful.
Andrew loved playing in the water!

Look at those huge waves!
Little miss was still traumatized from her experience at Coronado, so she was having none of it!  She only wanted to be held!
I plopped her down anyway and tried to get her to splash and have fun and she refused!  Yep, she's bawling her eyes out in this picture but it's cute anyway!  I figured I'd get them from behind instead!  Ha!
She did better on the towel far away from the water.

She was fascinated with the sand all over her!  Ha!
I got some "half" smiles!

We enjoyed our time at La Jolla Shores!  We cleaned the kids up and headed for St. George, Utah... 
We were going to stop in Las Vegas, but ended up coming through pretty late and the kids were asleep so we figured we'd just keep on going.  Let me tell you it was SO hard for me to drive through Vegas and not stop!  Ha!  I absolutely LOVE it there!   We found a nice hotel in St. George, ate a yummy breakfast in the morning and did some swimming before heading out towards Glenwood Springs, CO.
This is the place we really had planned on spending some extra time.  We got there earlier in the afternoon so we had time to get a hotel and make our way to the hot springs!  It was such a great way to break up the trip a little bit.
This is the neatest place!  Mom and Jim had been here before and had always wanted to bring us.  We loved it!
It is bigger than a football field!  And as warm as a bath tub!  Sooooo great!
My silly kids!
We had so much fun.  We could stay in as long as we wanted because it was so nice and warm!  I think Andrew and Kerigan could have stayed all night!
They had these neat seats that you could put in quarters and they would blow bubbles like a hot tub!  It was like a massage chair and so awesome!  Kerigan loved it!  I think we both could have stayed there all night!  Ha!

In the morning we got up, took our time and walked around Glenwood Springs for a little while.  It is such a cute little town nestled in the mountains!
There is a neat little bridge you can walk across the river and see the hot springs from up above.
To the left in this photo you can see the Amtrak station.  It is pretty cool you can take the train from close to where we live, all the way here!  Ga Ga and Papa want to bring us back on the train sometime in the winter!  Sounds good to me!
This was such a cute story... We had seen these Jake and the Neverland pirate boats at Target before our trip.  Andrew was so thrilled about them.  I told him he better wait because at Disneyland they were going to have a lot of things he was going to want.  At Disney he looked all over for Jake stuff, and they didn't have hardly anything!  Definitely nothing as cool as this ship!  So Ga Ga said she would get it for him at Target (she had promised to get him something at Disney but since he didn't find anything- he waited!  Of course, mommy bought him some things from Disney though!  Ha!)  Anyway, so in Glenwood Springs we stopped at Target and he got the ship.  He literally played with it the entire rest of the way home (all the way through Nebraska!)  I was amazed.  He did so great in the car.  Both kids really did well in the car.  Kerigan only got fussy a few times, but she was pretty easily consoled.  We figured out how to strap Andrew's portable DVD player over her seat so she could see a TV too (since she is backwards and can't see the one in our van).  We spent one more night in Nebraska before making our way home.

This ends our vacation updates!  I have loved going back through and writing about our memories.  It is always such a fun way to document everything and tell all the stories from our trip.  And I finished just in time because I have lots more to share of some other summer adventures before school starts in a couple of weeks!  This summer flew by!