
Friday, September 21, 2012

game day!

This picture cracks me up!  Andrew is so silly.  He has been smiling weird lately so I have to tell him to open his eyes more, or close them more, etc.  
You can see this time I told him to open them more!  Ha!

We've been having fun sporting our ISU gear this season!  For the big Cyclone/Hawkeye game we went to some of our friends house for delicious chili and cornbread, and some awesome desserts!  I brought a taco dip and it was some perfect fall food!  Yummy!
Kerigan loves it when daddy makes her giggle!
Love this!
My loves
Andrew and Kerigan with their friends Stella and Norah
One of his tender moments!  Ha!
We were watching the game (the Cyclones won by the way!) and I went up to check on these two and this is what I saw.  Playing with my phone.  Absolutely precious.
Andrew just loves Norah.  Her mommy, Andrea and I go way back (way back to Kindergarten actually!)  and we were pregnant with these two at the same time.  So fun they are both in Kindergarten now!
Me and my little cyclone (she looks thrilled I know!)
Photo shoot time!  How can I not when she's dressed like this?  Seriously?
We went to this neat park where they have an old fire truck (that I used to play on when I was a little girl!)
Perfect location for a cyclone photo shoot!
This is how most of the time really went!  Ha!
Andrew loves to "drive!"

These pictures of him just melt my heart.  He's turning into such a big boy right before my eyes.

Little miss bright eyes!
The most handsome men ever!  I am so lucky!
Having a very serious conversation with his daddy...
The two "Keri's" :)

Peek a Boo!
I just love this face!  She makes it all the time!

Goofing around!