
Saturday, October 27, 2012

fall adventures & pumpkin carving

Normally I put up decorations pretty early, but this year it got to be October 1st before I even thought of dragging them out.  I debated about not doing it.  It's a lot of work and I feel like they are only up for a short time before Christmas comes out.  But I'm so glad I did.

I brought everything upstairs, including the stash of Halloween books I put away and bring back out every fall.  Andrew was so thrilled he couldn't wait to read the books.  He grabbed them and went straight upstairs to read them in his bed, next to his beloved Casper ghosts.
He was so sweet sitting here reading to himself and watching his ghosts.
He wanted his picture next to them- Ha!  This was my mobile when I was a kid.  My mom got it from somewhere.  Andrew got into Casper a couple years ago and he was beyond excited when my mom gave it to him last year.  When I pulled it back out again this year he said "I remember this!"  He couldn't wait to hang it up in his room.
He also helped me go through my tubs of decorations and kept pulling things out and setting them on his little table.  He had it all arranged while Kerigan was napping.  I warned him that when she woke up she would mess it all up!  He was not happy about this!
We've been having fun playing in the leaves this fall.  Here's a couple of pictures (more to come).  Andrew was helping Papa brush the leaves off the sidewalk...while pretending to be a witch riding a broom!  Ha!

One night when we started getting into the fall mood, we went shopping for Andrew's Halloween costume.  He decided he wanted to be the Tin Man because Kerigan was going to be a witch!  I have never made any of his costumes before, and I have to admit, it was really fun!  And it is kind of nice to have something unique, too.
Daddy has been busy a lot this season and most weekends so thanks to Papa, his Tin Man got done!
He was so proud working on his costume with Papa.  It was something special they did together.  Andrew can't wait to wear it trick or treating!

Every year we go to Craig's brother's house to carve pumpkins.  It is always fun to see all the designs the kids pick for the adults to carve- ha!
This year Kerigan even got to help.
I was so proud of Andrew this year.  He wanted to do almost everything all by himself.  In past years, he took little interest in this.  I can tell he's growing up and getting more mature.
I love this- my kids working together.

He lifted the lid right off and started scraping all the yucky stuff out!
Torturing his sister with the gross stuff!  Ha!  She didn't seem to mind though!

Andrew and Jayden- silly smiles!
Aunt Rachel with Evie and Jayden
My sweet little pumpkins

This was the part that just shocked me... we taped the designs on and have to poke holes around the edges, then tear the paper off to cut out.  Andrew saw Evie doing hers so he wanted to try it.  They both sat here for a very long time, concentrating so hard and poked almost every single hole!  I was so proud of them!

They were so sweet, concentrating so hard.
Daddy got there from his volleyball tournament just in time to carve Kerigan's tricky Minnie Mouse!

I think he did a pretty amazing job, don't you!
Most of the finished products... a couple were still being finalized but we had to get going because it was way past 10:00!  Kerigan went to sleep in Jayden's room so she didn't get to see her pumpkin that night so the next night we took her outside and lit it up to show her.
This picture cracks me up!  She wasn't that interested (sorry daddy!) and Andrew behind her just makes me laugh.  He is obsessed with the monsters from Hotel Transylvania and he was pretending to be Frankenstein!  Ha!  His pumpkin was the Grim Reaper, which he has no idea who that is but he called it the "scary guy."  I guess he wanted to be a big boy this year.  Move over Buzz, Woody and Mater!

More fall fun coming soon!  I just love this time of year!