
Sunday, December 30, 2012

little bakers

I am getting behind on updates again... we had such a wonderful Christmas!  But I didn't want to leave out the things we did leading up to it, so here is a little glimpse!
The kids and I had fun one weekend making my great grandma's special sugar cookies.  This is something I have done every year with Andrew, and it was fun to include Kerigan this time.  She had a blast (as you can tell!  Ha!)
"cookie" is one of her top favorite words!  Ha!
Andrew loves to dump the ingredients in and spin the mixer on high speed!
I have to catch him before everything splatters all over the kitchen!  And we had to share and let Kerigan dump some things in!
Her expressions were just priceless!  Especially how she's looking at the sugar here!  Ha!

She's mesmerized by the mixer!
Andrew is such a big boy now.  He was so careful and good at helping me... he gets better and better every year!
After a couple of hours chilling the dough, we could roll them and cut them out!  This was after Kerigan's nap and she wasn't quite as into this part- although she did enjoy taste testing!
Andrew loves to do this.  Except he wants to put the cookie cutter right in the middle of the dough!  So much for strategy and trying to use every amount of dough possible!
He was so proud of himself!
He wanted to do the rolling, which I had to help with a little because otherwise we would have had very uneven cookies!
I just love his little helping hands
Little miss decided she liked the finished product!
Ga Ga came over to help with frosting- the hard part!
It was a 3 generation project, which is so special to me because of this being a family recipe.  Just one of the many fun traditions I love doing with my kids this time of year!

More Christmas fun to come!